Your way to success: come out of the comfort zone


Remember, for sure in your life there was a situation where your friend invited you to a fashionable exhibition, but you didn't want to leave the bed and a laptop with the TV show that you categorically said "no." And this happens quite often. Do you know yourself? If yes, you can say with confidence that you are stuck in the comfort zone and stay there next is just dangerous for your personality.

Psychologists found out that the cells of our brain are growing only if they are exposed to irritants, that is, our brain must constantly receive experience from the external environment.

It is quite difficult to force yourself to change the usual routine of life, but remain in place - also not an option. We are ready to offer you several ways that are designed to help you overcome yourself and get out of the comfort zone.

Change the routine of the day

Start with simple, namely, start the day in a new way. Suppose you every morning brew coffee and see your favorite morning program. Why don't you get up early instead and not do a jog or at least try to just walk through the park, while still sleeping. Such a shake will launch positive changes.

How many times have you refused interesting suggestions?

How many times have you refused interesting suggestions?


Create new acquaintances

Perhaps in your environment there is a person with whom you are not too familiar, however, you are confident that I'm good. What prevents you from approaching and tie a conversation, thus tolding the right contact you? Some people are also difficult to speak with the person you like, so do not be afraid to take the first step when you meet.

Take care of how long they wanted

Most likely, you have the interest you suppress in yourself. Maybe you always wanted to learn how to play a violin or learn to dance Paul Dance. Take and make. If other people or fear have stopped before, you should not approve, you should understand that you are an adult man who must answer his life.

Do not stop learning

Do not stop learning


Do not be afraid of unpopular solutions

The opinions of your loved ones and acquaintances can be the obstacle that keeps you from what you always wanted to do. Suppose you always wanted to travel by hitchhiking, but native begged you not to do this. It's time to take life into your hands and go on a trip of dreams. Dare.

Constantly recognize something new

Our brain must be in constant work, it requires new information almost daily. Covering to learn something new, you involuntarily throw yourself a few steps back, while your colleagues and friends who are accustomed to learn will disclose their potential more and more. Go around the same - look for answers to questions you are interested in and never stop learning.

Go on a trip to dreams

Go on a trip to dreams


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