What problems can be masked under eye disease


Many people experience vision problems in the modern world. According to the World Health Organization, myopia will suffer to varying degrees to a third of the entire population of the globe. However, in some cases, not a myopia is the reason why we are not very necessary. Under the problems with vision, the consequences of other, no less serious pathologies of our organism may be hidden.

Very many diseases of the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system "disguise" under the eyes of the eye, and we think that vision worsens exclusively in itself. But it is not. For example, damage to the retina of the eye quite often arises due to the complication of diabetes. Unfortunately, diabetes mellitus for a long time can no longer show itself, or have such manifestations that the patient will not bind with it. Therefore, it is not a rare situation when the patient, having come to an ophthalmologist with complaints of deteriorating eyesight, receives a direction to the endocrinologist, since the changes of the retina are connected just with the development of diabetes mellitus.

Daria Baryshnikova

Daria Baryshnikova

Photo: instagram.com/oftalm.daria.

Naturally, problems with blood supply, cardiovascular system reflected in vision. For example, a disorder of vision is inherent hypertension, but many people, especially young, do not associate their deteriorating vision with arterial pressure problems. However, this is perfectly sees an ophthalmologist, because according to the expansion of pupils, the doctor can always establish the fact of the presence of hypertension.

Due to the sharp jumps of blood pressure, massive hemorrhage in the retina of the eye can occur, after which the doctors will have to remove the vitreous body to avoid trampling the retina and the blindness of a person. The blindness may occur as a result of atherosclerosis - the central artery of the retina is blocked, and the eye infarction occurs. If for an hour the blood flow will not be restored, then the retina will die.

Thyroid diseases may also be felt about themselves, reflecting on the organs of vision. In particular, the diffuse toxic goiter is accompanied by inflammation of the eye - endocrine ophthalmopathy. The fact is that when the autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland begins, the antibodies of the immune system attack soft fabrics of the eye. So the inflammatory process begins, which is expressed in the painful sensations in the eye, eyelid edema, eyeballs are issued forward. At the same time, a person may not be suspected of the presence of thyroid disease and therefore in no hurry to seek help to the endocrinologist, but it goes to a plastic surgeon, considering the problem of aesthetic defect.

In some cases, not my homeland - the reason for our poor view

In some cases, not my homeland - the reason for our poor view

Photo: unsplash.com.

The deterioration of view can signal both the kidney problems, first of all, about glomerulonephritis - the inflammation of the kidneys, which entails the transformation of metabolic processes. In the retina, the eye deposits are accumulated in the form of a star, which are one of the renal symptoms of retinopathy. The result of the deposits of substances becomes the death of nerve cells in the organ of view. Patients suffering from such a disease often complain of violations, for example, in the color image they can see black spots.

In vision, organic lesions of the brain inevitably reflect - from microinsults to brain tumors. The latter can squeeze the visual paths, which leads to a general impairment of vision. At the same time, brain tumors are diagnosed only by means of magnetic resonance tomography.

Thus, the disease reflects the diseases of a variety of human bodies, and if there are any problems with eyes, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist, and if there are suspicion of other diseases, then to the profile specialists - endocrinologists, neurologists, urologians, etc.

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