Only not this: how not to repay the interest of a man to themselves in "these days"


If menstruation is more than a natural process for a woman, many men come almost horrified by one description of the state of girls during this period. However, with age, men change their attitude towards critical days of their half, belonging to understanding to changes in mood and temporary abandonment of sex.

What do menstruation men think about 30 years

- About 30% are irritated, since the physiological process violates the intimate plans of a man in relation to the second half.

- 25% found in menstruation The reason to practice alternative types of sex to which the girl did not agree on ordinary days.

- 20% of men are unhappy, but decide to leave the girl alone and are engaged in their affairs: meet with friends, you give time to yourself.

- 15% are submorted waiting when "Guests from Krasnodar will go back", referring to this phenomenon calmly.

most prefer to leave a woman alone during this period

most prefer to leave a woman alone during this period


Men after 35 years

As a rule, men at this age are already "deep" married, therefore, naturally, their perception of critical days is somewhat different:

- 30% calmly exhale, because "these days" save them from the dull performance of marital debt.

- 20% are upset by disturbed plans in time with their own woman.

- 20%, as well as representatives of the first category, go to relax with friends, not worried to his wife.

- 15% practice uncharted sex technicians.

- 10% avoid communicating with their woman during this period due to change in its mood.

The difference is small, but it clearly makes it clear that the younger man is, the more annoying the absence of sex in this delicate period for a woman.

If you do not feel much discomfort, it makes no sense to abandon sex, the main thing is to prepare to it correctly ..

If you do not feel unpleasant sensations, you can not deny yourself in sex

If you do not feel unpleasant sensations, you can not deny yourself in sex


Cook towels

The stronger you will be excited, the more expensive, which can spoil your bedding and plunge into the shock of a weak spirit of the partner. So that this does not happen, put one dense towel with an extra layer, and set aside a few more.

Cut the blanket

Again, the smaller the "bonuses", accompanying menstruation sees a man, the more nice, your proximity takes place, to do this, cover the blanket and try not to look under it until the very end.

Ask the partner to act neatly

Ask the partner to act neatly


Best Pose - Missionary

To reduce the number of secretions, the girl is better to lie on the back, and the partner take a convenient position from above, making neat penetration to avoid injury to the cervix.

However, it is preferable to postpone the proximity of at least the last day of menstruation, then you will experience less unpleasant sensations and do not harm the body.

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