What to do when poisoning mushrooms


Mushroom poisoning is one of the most severe and deadly. Sad consequences may occur not only because of poisonous fungi, accidentally falling into the dish, but also incorrectly cooked edible.

There are general signs of poisoning mushrooms, regardless of their type: Catching abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, temperature rise, headache, violation. In severe cases, vomiting and diarrhea become uncontrollable, convulsions are developing. Blood is thickened, and urine practically ceases to stand out, liver failure develops, which is visually manifested in the form of jaundice. The victim sweats abundantly, and the hands and legs become cold. The central nervous system is affected: a person becomes restless, and then inhibited. Hallucinations may appear, the loss of consciousness and coma.

Before contacting the doctor, the victim you can rinse the stomach: give a drink no less liter of warm water to cause vomiting. After that, the patient needs to take a sorbent. It must be remembered: with a semi-conscious or unconscious state of the injured vomiting it is impossible to cause, as it may occur to the robust masses into the respiratory tract. A suffering person must be put in bed, warm to the feet to make a height. And give a lot of drinks: ordinary or mineral water, strong tea. Appeal for medical help necessarily.

Natalia Grishin

Natalia Grishin

Natalia Grishina, Gastroenterologist, nutritionist:

- Mushrooms can mutate and modify. And if there are the slightest doubts - it is better to leave the mushroom in the forest. That is why it is impossible to buy dried or canned mushrooms from hand, and when you purchase fresh, it is important that the fungus is whole and recognize 100%. And even in this case, it is not recommended to buy mushrooms. The fact is that mushrooms absorb everything in soil, air, precipitation. Therefore, you can even poison even white mushrooms collected along the roads, next to industrial facilities, landfills. Therefore, any mushrooms are contraindicated. With great care and in exceptional cases, they can be given to children under 18.

Not all people have the desired enzyme to digest mushrooms. If the enzyme is not enough, then the likelihood of feeling of gravity, fermentation is great. This is called the intolerance of the track - mushroom sugar, or carbohydrate. It is especially dangerous if a person has a milk intolerance. Then the julienne with sour cream or cream will become a double blow to the gastrointestinal tract. On the other hand, the mushrooms are very tasty. This is a delicacy, not everyday food. It can be used, but rarely and gradually - at the festive table. It is worth reminding that about two thousand species of mushrooms are now known and described, of which only four hundred can be eaten.

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