Service Roman: how to survive if you work with the former


Parting is the moment after which everyone tries to throw out the thought of the former beloved from the head. Some cut hair and drastically change the style of clothing, others find a new object of sympathy - the behavior of people varies depending on their psychotype. But the most difficult thing is to those who started the novel at work - the calling eyes "former" takes almost one percent of your thoughts. We explain how to get rid of this tight heart of the feeling of resentment and jealousy.

You are not the first

In 2013, the VTsIOM conducted a survey, in which 26% of the steam admitted that they met each other at work. And this is only a part of those who had relationships with colleagues - the rest have long been parting and preferred not to remember partners from the past. Statistics clearly shows: you have no need to edit yourself for the voltitude of feelings, if a similar "error" makes almost every second employee. Love and give the will of passion - happiness, and not the punishment of the human race.

Leave a person alone

Leave a person alone


Stop it to patronize

In the first moments, after parting, you will be angry with a former partner, and then a wave of tenderness will be flooded with you - it will want to plunge into nostalgia and begin to take care of a man with his attention under the pretext of friendship. Stop! Do not do yourself - this is not a friendship, but the lack of the usual communication and the feeling of a native person nearby. With the end of the novel on your personal life, the cross is not put - just wait until a new person will appear in the environment, able to interest you. And at this time, work on yourself: Realize that you and a former guy are two separate people, and not halves one whole. From now on, he will build his destiny on his own and, about horror, even can start a relationship with a new girl. His life is no longer your concern, so just leave a person and let him live calmly.

Do not think about colleagues

Fantasy, as if all in your environment only make that they whisper on the parting Masters and Petit, funny. Take a reality: People have a deal to your personal life literally 10-15 seconds, while someone informs them about your break. Then they go to another topic or continue to engage in their affairs. Think about how often you yourself reason about the life of colleagues ... Never, right? So stop winding yourself and take a direct responsibility to work.

Colleagues will succeed and forget about you

Colleagues will succeed and forget about you


Secret signs everywhere

Many girls tear their nose higher and pretend that they are special and parted with formerly not the best friends. But the truth is that maintaining the status of "friends" on social networks, the preservation of correspondence and joint photos is just evidence of hope for reunion. If every Like ex-boyfriend you perceive as a hint, you know it's wrong. A person who wants to resume communication would write you himself, and better offered to meet outside work. So leave the illusion in the past - the relationship came to the end exactly at the time of your parting.

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