The greatest happiness is not to get what is passionately wish


Almost every of us in the archive has a para-triple of ambitious goals and tasks. Ambitions - an indispensable attribute of a modern person, without them it is impossible to live. But how to survive the collapse, if something suddenly went wrong, how did you think, and you lose what you already considered your own?

We can build our plans, but only God decides, they are destined to come into reality or not. An example of the total collapse of ambitions can serve Hillary Clinton, last year the victim of a deafening defeat in the presidential elections. Listening not in terms of the advantage of votes, which was minimal, and in terms of the fact that in his victory Mrs. Clinton doubted a little.

There is only one way to survive such a defeat - to admit and accept that everything is the highest will. And if you did not get something, it means, and should not have been received. Everything that happens to us is part of the script, great design, many nuances of which are hidden from people. However, this does not mean that you have to humble with everything and give up as soon as they felt the slightest resistance. If you lose something - fight, fight passion, but if this someone or something eludes you, it means that it should not be in your life. And Basta.

There is a special win-win technology for achieving goals. According to her, you first need to do everything possible, and then just leave the scene to allow great ideas to embody into reality. Moreover, it is necessary to achieve our goals, coolly, without calls and aggression towards other people - as if all this you already have. Excessive concern for the result is able to reduce all your efforts. And always remember that sometimes not getting what passionally wish - and there is the greatest happiness. Learn about the trends of the week you will help my weekly Astrological forecast.

February 13 . Collect the facts, details - clearly, scrupulously, with penetration into the essence of things, be focused, serious. Feel yourself by the head of his life. It is in this way that you can find a thousand things today. You can solve financial issues, to negotiate with people.

The 14th of February . Not an easy day - it is better not to exacerbate anything today. Strain - in the sense that today is "cheaper" will be headed in the sand than then rake the consequences of your actions.

February, 15 . Even if you seem like a bird of good luck almost in your hands, at the last moment it can slip away. Do not wait too much from this environment, and then it may even please you with something.

February 16 . Today is a great day to compile letters, contracts, business correspondence, signing important documents both at work and personal affairs.

February 17 . A good day for shopping - everything acquired today will be worn for a long time and with pleasure.

18th of Febuary . An excellent day to solve financial issues, romantic dates, productive communication. Today you can raise and solve those questions whose decision in the past was difficult. Good also treat teeth.

February 19. . Try to do without risk on this day, be suspended and focused.

Zhanna Wei, Master Feng Shui

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