Manolo Blanik: 5 unexpected facts about the designer


Manolo Blanik - Cavalier of the Order of the British Empire and Favorite Blake Madonna and Sarah Jessica Parker comes up with a design shoes for almost half a century. Moreover, all the sketches of the maestro draws himself and even independently checks each ready-made pair, cutting the protruding threads if necessary.

1. Blasp is still eccentric. For example, in Milan, he stops only in the room 212 of the Four Seasons Hotel, and in New York, it settles strictly on the tenth floor. And always takes a bath at least three times a day.

2. Manolo lives in the English city of Bat In the old manor. All over the house, even in the toilet, worth thirty thousand boots. Single rooms without shoes - bedroom and living room.

Shoes - Main Passion Manolo

Shoes - Main Passion Manolo


3. The first star client became the wife of Mika Jagger Bianca . As a result, the designer made friends so closely with the stars, which became the godfather of their daughter Jade.

4. Child Manolo invented shoes for dogs, cats and birds From tapes, lace and foil from cigarette blocks. And he managed to even put on them their works.

5. Blat - an expert of sculpture. Structure of stop most of the statues he studied so well that it would easily discern the work of sculptors, only looking at the fingers of their creations.

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