Detectives Agatha Christie almost cost Liberty her former husband


While other girls played in dolls, the little agate Christie came up with her first detective stories. In his youth, she went to work in a pharmacy and learned to virtuoso to understand poison, which was very useful to her in writing work. And even to punish the wrong spouse, she decided to make a rather original way - just disappeared at eleven days, very well knowing who would be suspected first. At the same time, the writer's career never seemed agate really important, it was much stronger than the journeys and a variety of antiquities. It was on excavations that she met her true love - the archaeologist Max Mallów soon became her second husband. In other words, the biography of this woman is no less interesting than the plots of her novels.

Our heroine was born in the resort of Torka on the shore of La Manha. Parents wanted to raise children in a quiet, peaceful place, and Agat was repeatedly inspired by him when she wrote their books, because in a small town, everyone has their own skeletons in the cabinets. True, in childhood, the girl was considered not particularly smart. Unlike active and intelligent brothers and sisters, a little agate only did that he was lost, shut off and forgot words. But parents, of course, loved her no less.

She did not shine in school. Although in those days, learning for the girl was not in the first place, even going to school was optional. The young age was preparing for successful marriage and taught her needlework, music and dancing. Of the more standard "sciences" it was important that the letter was important - because it is necessary to somehow answer the messages of the grooms. True, here Agata "distinguished" - she wrote terrible. Until the end of the life, already being a great writer, constantly made gross grammatical errors.

Hobbies from the girl were, just say, non-banks. For example, travelers attracted it. Agatha adored to listen to the stories of the relatives came from the colonies and dreamed of seeing the world. With other children, she, oddly enough, did not communicate at all. One day, the nanny was surprised to find that Agata is talking to himself. It turned out that she invented her friends - and everyone entered his story - and leads conversations with them. Then this skill was very useful for writing dialogues.

Interest in reading woke up at the future novelistry very early. She learned to read for four years. Agatha's desk book became "Alice in the Wonderland" Lewis Carroll. And the first detective heard - the Blue Carbuncle Conan Doyle - read the girl's sister Maja. As the agate remembered, it was then that "in some kind of corner of my brain, where themes for books are born, a thought appeared:" Someday I will write a detective novel ". Subsequently, it was on the works of Conan Doyla, she studied writing his stories. And the first I composed the example of the same older sister. True, if Maja had a cheerful, then Agata has a plot turned out to be very terrible, even crazy. He did not like his parents, and they were directly told about this daughter. After that, she lost a desire for many years To write something

Agata had a completely happy family, but she was ideal, of course, was not. Dad often had been away, mother was engaged in his affairs, so the children mostly brought up nanny. When she had to leave, in the world of girls asking for thunder. Then she remembered: there is nothing more pain than the loss of a loved one, and should be struggling to keep the relationship. Instead of nanny, the grandmother began to participate in the upbringing of Young Agata. When the journalists asked Christie, who became a prototype of her famous Miss Marple's Fucks, she replied: "I just came through the old things and found grandmother theatrical handbag. Out from there the crumbs of sweet crackers, two penny and half-hearted sulk lace losters - so born Miss Marple. "

Young agate circled head officers

Young agate circled head officers


Head in the clouds

Childhood ended when the father suddenly died. Agate was only eleven, but she realized that now life would become completely different. It was no longer necessary to count on marriage with a rich man no longer had to do something to keep afloat. Mother decided to leave England where to live is not so expensive. The choice fell on Egypt, where the family moves and moved. For the first time, Agata began to be published in Cairo. Biographers Christie note that in his youth she was extremely attractive, engaged in a ballet troupe, well musical and sang. The statute officers paid attention to a cute girl, but the trouble - she was terribly shy. At one of the dance nights, Agata met his future spouse, who considered that her little-catching is extremely mila. Especially since it exceeds his several unceremonious manners. High blond Archibald Christie liked Agate at a glance. Beautiful, young, and also a pilot! He just recently started the service in the royal air corps and did not resemble the soldier. And even his humble state did not stop our heroine - she was not in love with a joke. This feeling then continued for many years.

On the third day of dating, he admitted agate in love. The girl, by the way, was already engaged with a rather rich young man named reggae, but for the sake of Archie immediately gave the cavalier from the gate turn. She reported Mothers that he wants only one to be his handsome pilot's wife. But they did not have time to exchange rings. The World War I was killed, and the groom went to the front. Agatha went to work in the hospital. In order not to miss the lover, meetings with whom it happened extremely rare, she spent almost all his time in the hospital. Helped during operations and prepared medicines, he sat down in bed wounded by day. There she met a lot of Belgian refugees. Perhaps one of them became the prototype of Erkulya Poiro's detective. From the hospital, the girl moved to the pharmacist in the pharmacy. She was perfectly mastered the skill of writing poisons. These knowledge turned out to be extremely helpful: several dozen crimes described in her books were committed precisely using poisoning.

In December 1915, her desperate groom received a vacation and arrived at the beloved. Their communication was stormy and complete emotions, because the experience of relationship was not neither the other: quarrels and disputes replaced each other with a lightning speed. For example, during the first days of Archie's vacation, they managed to quarrel at least three times. In particular, he gave her a magnificent nessor, and she considered this gift absurd: "In the circle of war! Where will she enjoy them?! In hospital?" It seems that they were not destined to be together, but soon a wedding took place. In wartime, it was impossible to spend a lot of time to prepare, the young tricks got married. Could not even buy a white dress. Instead, the bride had a raincoat and a red felt hat.

The day after the wedding, they went to Torki, to Mother Agata. She came terrified from such a hasty wedding, but something could not be changed. Mark this event, the newly new spouses decided by going into the world journey. They started with South Africa, moved to Australia, then in Tasmania, New Zealand, in Hawaii, Canada. Agatha was happy! She even began to learn to ride on the chalkboard on the waves. However, Extreme always manifes her: at the dawn of the angle, when the airplanes were still quite unreliable, she was already flying. And for mom does not miss, the young wrote her daily reports and sent photos. Waterfall Victoria is so beautiful that "for us, there was even a thought about the departure." On Zambezi "we met the crocodile flewing from us that we were scary." "Never in life did not see anything more beautiful than the Wellington Bay."

In 1919, our heroine gave birth to Rosalind's daughter, and in 1920 he wrote his first novel "The Mysterious Incident in Stiles". The woman went on publishers by offering the editors their work. But only the seventh in the account eventually agreed to print it. For his first book, the future star received a sufficiently modest fee in the amount of twenty-five pounds.

Of course, the writing talent was always from Agata, but what prompted her to do this activity professionally? Biographers converge in the opinion that it struggled with boredom and loneliness. The husband sometimes was not at half a year, given his profession. Woman spent one evenings alone and at some point decided to do something productive. The writer herself later told that bloody killings came up with when soap dishes. By the way, her mood did not affect the writing of the novels. She did not have a workplace: she dragged a typewriter from a dressing table to bed, then into the kitchen, then into the garden or on the beach. She did not even need special hours to work. So, she often disappeared during the holiday, and after half an hour he was returned as if nothing had happened.

Agatha preferred men's hobbies. She knew how to piloting the plane, surfing, and on the weekend ride on the rollers

Agatha preferred men's hobbies. She knew how to piloting the plane, surfing, and on the weekend ride on the rollers


Detective story

Archie never hidden that his wife did not care if the "writing" of his wife. Her absolutely did not manifest His passion for the game of golf. Agatha is increasingly with poorly hidden bitterness repeated his joke: "I am a golf widow." Archie clearly lost interest in her. When it comes to the second child, she answered sharply that it would be better to purchase a new car.

In 1926, extremely difficult time for the writer came. Suddenly her mother died. Archie at that time was on business in Spain. When the wife asked him to come, he said that he had a golf game for a long time. Soon it was revealed that on the field he spends time with the secretary of his boss - a young and pretty Nancy Nile (at that time the husband had already left the army and took up business).

Agatha could not believe long that her marriage was cracking. She decided not to give a divorce yet, hoping that the husband's passion would soon pass. But everything became only worse. Archi ceased to spend time at home, and the Agat itself has so faced himself that she could not write either the lines. When she accepted the obvious, he decided to make her husband remember this break for a long time. And it is not difficult that the plan in her head was born in the spirit of her works. As a result, agate Christie just disappeared ...

Soon, the police found abandoned on the shore of the pond Silent Pool a car with the headlights turned on and began to work out a completely obvious version: without achieving a divorce, an angry husband just killed her. Nevertheless, people did not lose hope that the famous writer still exists, and continued to look for her. After eleven days in a small spa, nearby a woman was noticed, surprisingly similar to Christie. According to eyewitnesses, she rested, walked, went to dance evenings and looked quite happy. The remaining doubts were allowed when it turned out that the lady was registered under the name of Nancy Neil - Muga's mistress. When the police arrived at the hotel, she was careless playing billiards and told everyone that he lost his memory. But the spouse of Agata still admitted that he wanted to take revenge on treason. Newspapers in one voice shouted about the peculiar advertising campaign of her new novel "The murder of Roger Ecroyda". Now she was not just a famous writer, but a real celebrity. Divorce no longer scared her, but the spouses decided not to disperse immediately to prevent one more loud scandal in the press.

Excavations feelings

After parting from Archie Agata did not have a lack of cavaliers, but none of them could interest her so much to tie their lives with him. In addition, it was wherever she wanted to travel around the world, so the novelist went to Iraq on excavations of the Sumerian city of Ur. At that time, the archeology became a fashion, the newspapers constantly published reports from excavations in ure, according to the relevance of rival with the tomb of Tutankhamon.

Archaeologist Max Mallow read the detectives of his famous wife

Archaeologist Max Mallow read the detectives of his famous wife


There's it all the best: in the desert she met the one who divided her passion for traveling. Max Mallown recently turned twenty-five, but he was already an assistant of the famous archaeologist Leonard Velloli. Max was younger than Christie almost fifteen years old and besides below halflons, he looked quite ridiculous next to the adult lady. However, they quickly found a common language. The archaeologist discovered the world of the ancient cities, palaces and tomb for Agata. Calm, even a phlegmatic young man infected the woman who loved the old woman with his passion. As a result, they were so attached to each other that Max decided to make our heroine offer as soon as possible. True, he had to persuade the famous writer for almost two months. Union with such a young man after a recent unsuccessful marriage her scares. But Agatha still loved the risk, so in the end agreed. Intellect, tenderness, dedication, care - these qualities of Max tightened the scales bowl. The wedding took place in 1930 in Edinburgh. From the relatives, only the daughter of Agata from the first marriage of Rosalinda was present on it, because many old buddies turned away from her. She translated it in a joke: those who threw it, enrolled in the "Order of Cowardly Rats", those who did not stop friendly relations - in the "Order of the faithful dogs." Life showed that there was nothing to be afraid of a woman: the marriage was successful, happy and long. About a huge difference at the age of Agata often joking: "Max is an archaeologist, and archaeologists adore old. The older I get, the more interesting it is. "

They loved traveling: Syria, Iran, India, Ceylon ... People of completely different professions realized that the beauty equally perceive. Soon, agate learned to professionally photograph the excavation and accompanied her husband in all expeditions. She was engaged in papers, correspondence, reports, and the spouse, in turn, was vividly interested in the work of his wife. The plots of her detective novels were expected to move to Asia. Books in these uneasy conditions were born one after another. The breath of antiquity, the fresh air of the distant countries made it the one we know, the queen of a detective.

In 1956, the literary successes of the famous writer were appreciated: she solemnly presented the Order of the British Empire. And in 1971, the title of cavalier-lady was assigned, which gave the right to the noble title. The husband was worthy of his famous wife. For merits in archeology, he was soon also awarded the Order. Two years later, Christie became chairman of the English detective club. But what is interesting, known for the whole world, a woman never considered her creativity something serious. But the archaeological activity of her husband was valued extremely high and believed that she brings humanity to humanity.

Agatha and Max lived a long and happy life. They stayed together to the death of the writer in 1976.

This courageous and strong woman did not give way to men. She was superbly drove the car, he was fond of horse riding, surfing and managed by plane. In his autobiography, Christie wrote: "Lord, thank you for a wonderful life and for the love you gave me."

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