Risky Adventure: Is it worth going on vacation with a stranger


It is not always possible to go on vacation with a girlfriend or a beloved man, and pay the trip to an expensive resort itself is not every girl. For a single number you overpay about 30%, is it worth it?

Find a fellow traveler who will scratch your loneliness by the sea. In this case, it is possible not to just spend your vacation in the company of a pleasant person, but also to stay good friends on returning home.

But how to find a person who is ready to go on the same route as you and most importantly, how to protect yourself? Let's try to figure out.

Contact travel agency

One of the safest ways to find a fellow traveler is to look into the travel agency. Many companies offer a similar service, you only leave your data, and managers are selected in the database of people who are planning a trip in the same direction, and how and you do not want to spend all vacation alone.

You may find not one, but several people, in whose companies you definitely do not bother. However, if you are an uncommunicative person, be prepared that the fellow traveler may not approach you on temperament, in this case it is always worth meeting in advance and chat with a potential neighbor by number before you go to the path.

a person can not come

a person can not come

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Search for travel companions in social networks

It is much easier and faster here to find a person who is ready to draw up the company, but note that you are not protected. A person can introduce themselves to anyone, suffering from psychological disorders. In this, probably lies the main minus search for a companion in the network, because you do not know who will come to you. Be careful!

Colleagues and good friends

Even if your friends cannot compile you a company, you can contact them for help. Ask, perhaps, someone from their acquaintances are not against going to go with you, but at the same time to meet. This search option is much safer, since you are associated with common acquaintances.

Always think about your safety

Always think about your safety

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Meeting website

It is no secret that the majority comes to the dating site in search of sex, at least 85% of men call these reason. If you are also a frequent guest of such resources, and one of your friends offers a joint trip, although you have not yet seen in life, ask for a meeting before the departure in order to see who you have to live next two weeks. In addition, if you are planning only a joint holiday without intimate intimacy, report this to a man even before you board the plane, otherwise you cannot avoid conflict.

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