Glory: "Sasha dreams to become an actress"


The fourth of January Alexander, the eldest daughter of the singer of glory, turned 18 years old. However, a big holiday was arranged only a month later, when a grandeur in the style of Oscar took place. Discussed with the singer of children, youthful love and perspective to become a grandmother.

- You probably hardly believe that your daughter is already adult?

- Why with difficulty? I gave birth to her, and not someone else! (Laughs.) But I do not advise anyone at such a young age to become a mother (the singer gave birth at 18. - Because with the second daughter I had more responsibility, more understanding, and happiness, probably more.

Alexander dreams of becoming an actress

Alexander dreams of becoming an actress

- Alexander was born on the fourth of January. Why did you decide to arrange a holiday just now?

- In early January, all on vacation. Therefore, in January we gave her a holiday at the cottage, in the home circle: with grandmothers, relatives, brothers, sisters and tribes. And a month later we were walked in honor of the majority.

- Why exactly the Oscar party?

- Just so beautiful! I was all invented in advance, discussed and controlled the stages of preparation for the holiday. As a result, I myself was shocked when I saw it all happened. We stole the colors in which guests had to come to the evening - it is white, black and red. Sasha dreams of becoming an actress and is preparing to enter the theater university, so I wanted to arrange an unusual birthday for her, and it seems to me that it was possible.

Alexandra is now found with Dmitry Tikhonov, a future lawyer. The singer approves the choice of daughter

Alexandra is now found with Dmitry Tikhonov, a future lawyer. The singer approves the choice of daughter

- How did your daughter take your gift?

- Thanks a hundred times. Before that, we rested two weeks in the Maldives. And I all this time controlled the training on the phone. Chose, coordinate ... Bottles of champagne with corporate sachets, framework. I painted the interiors, painted the cake, which will be on the walls, what flowers - we were banned in full program!

The singer itself drawn sketch of the cake, who wanted to see the daughter at the festival

The singer itself drawn sketch of the cake, who wanted to see the daughter at the festival

- Alexandra has the official groom, the future lawyer Dmitry Tikhonov. It turns out that you can now officially become a grandmother?

- I officially become a grandmother when they get married and they will be at least 25 years old! (Laughs.) And now they just love each other and are in the wonderful youthful relationship that I support!

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