How to live long and happily?


- Alexey Borisovich, will begin with the most important issue that worries everyone. What is "Strategy to achieve happiness"?

- If briefly, each person must formulate it for himself. Happy people allow themselves to be happy, unhappy continued to make things that annoy them are tiring, harm and increase the feeling of misfortune. The key to success is the correct developed plan of action. You need to determine what you want, and then use the right strategy in order to achieve the desired one. Well think about what you really dream, and how to achieve this in an optimal way. Discover what you brings sadness, irritation, and consciously look for the best way to avoid such things. And think less about negative. These, it would seem simple rules, but it is not easy to convey to people.

- And therefore, you recently held a whole festival called "Brain Ecology", whose curator was?

- The festival had a scientific and educational character and was aimed at the treatment and prevention of diseases of the brain, which became the present epidemic of modernity all over the world. Today, a huge number of health problems are related to diseases of the brain, and these figures grow rapidly. The festival program was very diverse, but the main goal was to teach people to develop and protect their brain. And the trained, healthy brain in old age - isn't it happiness?

- What else was discussed during the festival?

- A whole art polygon unfolded at the festival, who was supervised by the famous director of art performances, artist Andrei Bartenev. He told how to receive curiosity to life through creativity and keep passion. At a meeting with actress Maria Golubovaya "The Art of Memorization", guests of the festival learned how artists and musicians manage to memorize large amounts of information. The well-known Russian actress and TV presenter shared with the audience by the secrets of the acting profession and told that it helps to develop memory. At the congress, new discoveries were presented, presentations of unique techniques, thanks to which everyone could find his "Formula of Happiness", "simulate a balanced lifestyle" and "turn off the aging genes". Discussed different topics, for example, such as: "What is missing our body?", "In which products to find nutrients you need right and body?", "Search for necessary products in the ocean of the consumer market".

Alexey Borisovich Danilov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Executive Director of the Interdisciplinary Medicine Association, Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases of IPO GBOU VPO of the First MGMU. THEM. Sechenova Ministry of Health of Russia, Head Information

Alexey Borisovich Danilov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Executive Director of the Interdisciplinary Medicine Association, Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases of IPO GBOU VPO of the First MGMU. THEM. Sechenova Ministry of Health of Russia, Head Information

- You can tell us more about the power. What do you need to eat so that the brain is healthy?

- Boom some secrets: Daily reception of hot chocolate is able to rejuvenate the cells of the brain. British scientists came to this conclusion, examining 60 volunteers aged 70 years. Experiment participants drank 2 cups of hot drink every day for a month. Then the brain activity was tested. An improvement in the indicators by 8 - 9% was noted. In addition to chocolate, nuts and seeds are extremely useful for the brain: peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. Nuts and seeds are full of omega fatty acids - 6 and omega - 3, as well as folic acid, vitamins E and B6. In some nuts and seeds, there are also many thiamine and magnesium, which improve memory, cognitive functions and brain nutrition. In addition to nuts, fish has important in the diet. Thus, the red fish not only at 35% reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, but also affects the state of the brain: stimulates the growth of nerve cells and favorably affects the sections of the brain associated with learning, memory.

- I somehow read that in order for the brain to be active, you need to constantly learn. It's true?

- What's wrong with staying all your life open for new ideas? Never stop learning and adapt to life. The world is constantly changing, and if you limit the things that knew earlier, and communicating with those people, surrounded by ease before, then with age you will inevitably be isolated, every time you feel more and more disappointing around the surrounding circumstances. There are many relatively young people, stubbornly clinging for their habits, ideas, values ​​- the so-called "owners of the truth." They are blind to the arguments capable of refuting their dogmas, which are completely concentrated on themselves and are deprived of the slightest curiosity to everything new. Thus, people themselves observe themselves for premature old age and dying loneliness.

- There are nuts, drink chocolate, be open to everything new ... And what else do you recommend for the full work of the brain and the extension of life?

- To work the brain, in addition to food and intellectual load, there are many factors, and first of all, this is cultural development. Studies of recent years demonstrate: the admission to the beautiful is a trip to the museum, theater, listening to classical music - increase the activity of the brain sites responsible for the feeling of pleasure. A positive attitude prolongs life, happy people live for 8 years longer, while the quality of life is significantly higher compared to the life of pessimistic people.

- The words about positive often repeat, and what exactly can it help?

- Once I was incredibly struck by one woman, who, despite the fact that he experienced a lot of heavy and tragic for his life, always remained cheerful and cheerful. I asked her, on what is its optimism? And she answered me: "God gave me a happy character." To live with pleasure is one of the main challenges of our existence. The best way to answer it is optimism. If you comply with these recommendations, you live up to 120 years, keeping the sound mind and solid memory.

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