3 simple home ice cream recipe


The times have long passed when ice cream did from cream, milk, eggs and real chocolate. The composition of the ingredients belonging to modern delicacy is more like a chemical table than a list of products. Want genuine? Prepare yourself - it is easy.

Recipe number 1 Dairy ice cream

You will need 1 glass of milk, 1 chicken egg, 2 tbsp. Sugar sand and bag of vanilla sugar.

In a saucepan, take a mixer egg with sugar and vanilla so that you have a homogeneous air mass. It is it that freezes without the formation of ice crystals. Gradually, pour milk by continuing the whip process. Put the resulting mass on the stove and on the slow heat are brought almost to a boil, continuing to beat, otherwise the dairy foam it can "curl."

Serve with syrup

Serve with syrup


Hold the hot mixture in the mold, let it cool, and then remove it in the freezer. You can add nuts, berries, grated chocolate - any products according to your desire. After two hours, mix the mass, another two - repeat the procedure. If ice cream began to freeze and with difficulty jams, it can be slightly whipped with a fork. After six hours, your product is ready.

Recipe number 2 Creamy chocolate ice cream

You will need a dark chocolate tile melted on a water bath or in a microwave oven, half-liter 33% cream, a bank of condensed milk.

Mix all the ingredients and take the mixer. The ice cream is poured into the mold and remove into the freezer to full frost. The mixture does not require stirring, does not form crystals. Before pouring into the mass, you can add pieces of chocolate and cookies.

Chocolate is better to take bitter

Chocolate is better to take bitter


Recipe number 3 Fruit ice cream

Plus this recipe - ice cream will be non-caloric. You will need half a cup of any frozen berries: cherries, blueberries, currants, etc.

Berries are poured into a bowl of the blender, add 0.5 cups of low-fat yogurt or milk, 2 h. Sugar, fructose or honey. All ingredients need to be taken to a homogeneous mass. Put the resulting puree in the mold and send to the freezer for two hours.

You can eat, not counting calories

You can eat, not counting calories


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