BDSM sex is good for health?


After the release of the book, and then the film "Fifty shades of gray" the topic of BDSM has not been such a forbidden and shame as before. Make a variety of sex life and use in bed labels, handcuffs and eyebounds have become an increasing number of steam. And, according to doctors, hard sex is very useful for health. He studied the opinion of the doctors and found out why sometimes it is worth refusing vanilla sex in favor of the Sado Mazo.

Reducing the level of stress

A number of studies showed that steam practicing bdsm relations decreases the level of stress. And the dominant, and their "victims" had a lower level of cortisol, which is also called the "stress hormone". Cortisol regulates various changes in the body, including blood sugar levels, immune responses, inflammatory processes. With a decrease in stress levels, such health benefits were discovered as a decrease in the risk of high blood pressure and asthma symptoms.

Strengthening immunity

Spanking and slaps increase blood flow to the brain. Blood inflows saturates organs and muscles with new oxygen and hormones. In the process of updating blood from the body, toxins cause fatigue are derived. This process of cleansing is the key to strengthening the immune system, while maintaining the stability of the body to the fight against pathogens.

Increase hormone happiness

Many couples practicing bdsm are better adjacent contact in terms of communication. All because such partners account for more detail and thoroughly discuss their addictions and desires in bed. "Stop words", a clear distinction for "you can" and "impossible" and the difference between sexual games and other human relationships also play a role. And when people associate such close communication and emotional proximity, the level of serotonin is rising in the body, which is often called the "hormone of good mood" and "Hormon of happiness".

Improving mental health

Despite the fact that many consider the BDSM pervert, the deviation from generally accepted sexual norms, studies have shown that people are more confident, morally stronger and healthier. Fans of Sado-Mazo relations are less nervous and less touchy, more honest, open to new impressions and with a higher feeling of personal well-being. They are more often ready to try something new and prone to experiments not only in bed, but also in life.

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