Catherine Assi: "If a bad mood, just sit and smile"


She has an unusual last name and even more unexpected biography. She does not know how to sit still, loves to fly on airplanes and his profession. Meet: Catherine Assi, star films "Film crew", "Invisible", "Fifth Guard", "Missing Bridegroom", "Survival School of Lonely Woman with three children in crisis."

- Catherine, can I ask about the unusual Arabic name Assi? Surely she is somehow translated?

- Assi means "against the current." This is a father's surname.

- Do you go in life against the current?

- I wondered about it. Now I understand that you need to sail downstream, but remain at the same time. It is very important. You must remain faithful to your principles and yourself. You will sail then at your current, without adjusting to someone. Against the flow sailing is sometimes very difficult and meaningless.

- You all spent your childhood in America, what do you think you are lucky?

- I think I was lucky to be born in my family. I was brought up in different cultures. And it became like that, thanks to his parents. They gave the basis. And my principles of life.

- For some time you worked a model for the fashion house of your mother Alina Assi, were the face of the brand. Why left a profession?

"Yes, indeed, in my childhood I worked as a model at my mother, she had an alina assi designer model. But it was more hobbies. It was not a profession. Just I knew from childhood that I want to become an actress. This decision I accepted in the seventh grade, when I began to go to theatrical circle. I got there, you can say, by chance. I had a girlfriend who asked to go with her to samples, support her. It was necessary to read a piece of "Beauty and Monsters" and sing a song. As a result, I was approved for one of the main roles, and it, unfortunately, did not take it. And I fell in love with the theater, scene and acting profession. Then I realized that this is my vocation. Busy, but I even have the habit. For example, I gnawed my nails in childhood, and a week later after the rehearsals, I stopped doing it. And again the awareness came, that this is exactly mine (laughs). I came to the teacher Miss Cosby, saying that I decided to become an actress, she replied: "Then forward!"

Catherine Assi:

"VGIK know all over the world"

- Where did it happen?

- I went to theatrical schools all my childhood. And in America, and in Russia. When I finished the latest school classes, I went to the preparatory courses in VGIK to the stunning teacher Lyudmila Borisovna Chirkova. She prepared me for two years to enter. And after grade 11, I entered VGIK to the acting faculty to Vladimir Grammatikov, from where he released in 2013.

- Why Vgik, why not Hollywood?

- One other does not cancel in any case. To be honest, VGIK know all over the world. This is one of the most prestigious film officials. And when I come to Hollywood for samples, shooting, I understand that everything is very familiar with the school of Vgika and very respectfully.

- Often we are in Hollywood on samples?

- I try. But now, fortunately, there is a video business card format, in this plan today is much easier. You send the samples, and if you're interested in the director, he wants to personally meet, then you already go. And so you can send your video business card into any part of the world.

- Where do you like to remove?

- Everywhere. The main thing is that I was filmed. And the Russian cinema has now rose very much. It's nice.

With Alexander Revva and Nikita Tarasov on the set

With Alexander Revva and Nikita Tarasov on the set

- You have become famous after the TV series "Londongrad", "dear crew". What was hard to do on the set?

- In fact, the acting profession is a heavy and great work. But it is clear that this is the same and great buzz. I think you must love your work very much, enjoy the film processing, because there are very difficult conditions. For example, the weather, when in winter you depict that summer on the street. Or there are a lot of text. Yes, different sophisticated moments happen. It just seems to be released in the frame - and that's it. In fact, the acting profession is very big responsibility, because you understand that on the set, along with you there is a whole group in two hundred people. All their home care, no one wants to linger, all normalized working day. Therefore, when you are in the frame, I must be assembled, I must know the text, I must be immersed in your character, so as not to bring the rest. It is important. In general, you need to love this profession greatly to enjoy. I love her very much.

- Is there such a thing that you do not like on the set?

- I like everything. Everywhere there are small moments, but it is all solved. I am sure that the main thing is to always be on a positive. And the more you radiate positive, the more he comes back to you. And not only in the profession. You go out on the street, smile a few people, and their mood rises. Somehow my mother said in childhood that if you have a bad mood, and you just sit with a smile, you have an involuntarily becoming a good mood. I tried it - really, it works. Amazing! Recommend. If a bad mood, just sit and smile. And everything will change.

- And if the partner is unpleasant?

- I still had no such thing. All come to work for the result of the magic of the movie. All with the configuration to work out. The main thing is to hear and respect.

- Well, such an example: you need to kiss with a partner, and forgive me, I smell like?

- This was not (laughs). And the actors' male are very responsible in this regard. They try.

Catherine Assi:

th tool. " Substitute "From 15 years I have exceptionally separate meals. Separately carbohydrates, separately proteins. It is extremely important. When you get used to, then you do not understand how can be otherwise "

"You played the TV series" Flying Crew ", which will be able to see again very soon at the LOVE STS. Alsa never wanted to become a stewardess?

- No, no desire was (laughs). But I really like to fly. Since childhood, I was lucky to travel with my parents. And I love airplanes very much. This is a whole ritual for me. As soon as you enter the airport, there is an eternal fuss, mysteriousness and feeling of unreality. It is always a holiday for me. So I always loved to fly. And when I was approved on the stewardess Zhanna Glushko in the "dear crew", I found out many aspects of this world from the inside. When I flew, I never thought about that this is a profession. These people have their own life in parallel. On the shooting, I met real flight attendants. They gave us instructing in all the rules. The shooting was in St. Petersburg, had to fly, it was six to seven aircraft a week back and forth. At some point, when the plane salon was removed in the pavilion, I stopped understanding: really we fly or it's just shooting. But it was great, as I said, I love the travel process itself. And the profession of stewardess is very interesting. My aunt owns it. And uncle is the first pilot.

- Is it for daddy or mamina line?

- On the father - aunt-stewardess, and Mamina - Mother's sisters husband.

- Now it turns out to travel?

- I try. Many filming. It was discovered for himself Gelendzhik, where they also were shooting. This is a wonderful resort. And I really want to visit Italy. Imagine, never was there! The brother was three or four times there, but I haven't reached yet. Although with whom I will talk, I really like Italy to all my friends.

- What a story with the song "Stewartes named Jeanne". Why is your friend Nikita Presnyakov laughed for a long time, learning that you play a stewardess?

- It's just the song of his father. That's the whole story (laughs). He was delighted that I was approved for the role of Jeanne. We are friends, support each other, rejoice when someone gets something. Nikita has now released a new album. I am very proud of them.

- Since I spoke about Nikita Presnyakov. They were attributed to novels not only with him, but also Evgeny Kharlanov, gel Meshi. After publications about you and Mesh, you even published a post in "Instagram": "Friends, what happens?! Where so much anger? Without receiving the right information, you are ready to 'throw stones. " Tell me, do you always react to such rumors so expressively? "

- No, I usually try not to notice them. Unfortunately or fortunately, this is an integral part of the profession. Everyone is wondering what happens in your life. In 'Instagram »I exhibit the minimum number of personal photos. And at that moment I called for respect for the person's personal space.

- Are you an explosive in life?

- I am expressive. Emotional. But adequate. It is said that cheerful (laughs).

- Often laugh?

- And you no (laughs)?

With Natalia Bardo and Darya Sagalova on the set

With Natalia Bardo and Darya Sagalova on the set

- Probably. Tell us what you have new today?

- Now I finished starring in the "kitchen. War for the hotel. " There are some more cool projects.

- Parents and brother watch your career, rejoice?

- Sure. I was lucky. They supported me from childhood. My mother called me today. Clarified how much turn on the TV. It is important to them.

- The younger generation of artists very carefully monitors its appearance, considering that their face and body are also their "working tool". Tell me how do you support the form?

- Only gym and nutrition. From 15 years - exclusively separate food. Separately carbohydrates, separately proteins. It is extremely important. When you get used to, you do not understand how can it be otherwise. Well, regular sport, of course. I just have a gym, which helps me maintain yourself in shape. I love light strength loads or work with your own weight. And Cardio. Sometimes I am engaged in the yard or at home.

- On some photos I noticed you have a lot of tattoo stars, lightning, colors. Why such a choice?

- I have no tattoos. But I love tattoo on men!

- And if girls?

- If they like, why not.

- You are generally a tolerant person, as I look.

- Yes. People have the right to do everything they want. But, most importantly, it should not harm others. Sometimes it seems to me that a person is wrong, but I immediately stop myself: how can I condemn if I don't know him - what he lives why he came to such thoughts. I think if you do not understand - respect.

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