Girlfriend declassified the second pregnancy Kate Middleton


Rumors that Kate Middleton is pregnant again, confirmed. Her close girlfriend Jessica Hi claims that the circle of close and familiar Duchess literally stands on the ears from the news about the coming replenishment in the family.

"I heard from several of our common friends about pregnancy Kate, and they think that official confirmation from the royal family will appear in the coming weeks," the British Tabloid Mirror quotes Jessica.

On the last photos, Kate Middleton is increasingly covering the belly with hand. Photo: All Over Press.

On the last photos, Kate Middleton is increasingly covering the belly with hand. Photo: All Over Press.

High refers to some changes in the appearance of Kate, according to which it can be understood that it really is waiting for a child: the duchess has a little sprinkled face, as in the first pregnancy, so she changed her hair to cover noticeably rounded cheeks. Kate literally for several centimeters cut the hair, making a cascade haircut - "Lestenka".

Note that it was Jessica High who told the Australian tabloid on the first pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge several weeks before the official confirmation of this event.

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