Transparent glitters, bright eyelashes and negligent styling


The time of revision in the cosmetics and the toilet tables officially came. It is easy to inspire on a beauty inventory - see what images offer us a makeup artists from the past fashionable weeks that have demonstrated the last summer trends.

With a smile in life

For a long time we have not seen brilliance on the podium, but this season they accomplished their triumphant return. So you can safely postpone your favorite lipstick until the autumn - the trend on the usual matte finish is slowly goes into the past. And so that the wet shine remains with you, even after Lunch, first prepare your lips with the primer or transparent powder. Or apply balm over lipstick, because it is completely easy to change its texture.

Adhesive tape

Makeup artists offer boldly apply mascara in several layers

Makeup artists offer boldly apply mascara in several layers


The makeup artists rush out of extremes to extreme: in the winter they defended the trend on absolutely bare eyelashes, and now they offer to boldly apply mascara in two, or even three layers. But still we advise you not to overdo it. Bled eyelashes are good only on models, in life they look untidy.

Flowers and smells

Negligent styling are very relevant

Negligent styling are very relevant


To a simple makeup, the same simple styling is best suited without excess personality. To help you with a variety of sprays with sea salt and other texturing means, with which you can create negligent curls literally in a few minutes. Complete Hairstyle Stylists recommend fresh flowers.

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