Hand writing and sexuality: Technical know-how used in the work of graphologists


More Ancient Chinese and Romans recognized that there is a connection between the handwriting and the personality of a person, only relatively recently (at the end of the last century) the grapheology began to claim to be considered and to be science. It develops on clearly defined rules and makes conclusions, fairly accurate for use in personnel service, in determining the tendency to occupy, to assess nature and abilities. It is still to fight with common misconceptions, binding a graphology with prediction and forecasting of the future.

Quite often questions about the sexual inclinations and the preferences of the author of the text. As an example:

"We have 4 male handwriting. Even when the presence of a certain characteristic is confirmed, the graphologist will necessarily compare it in relation to other characteristics. A special handwriting can show explicit signs that two people show a tendency to theft. But further research will show that one person is aggressive, and the other is not. One, if you catch, will attack and can seriously injure; The other will be careful and calmly leave the situation. The second option, in the text there may be unmistakable signs that two men have a strong sex drive. A person can be a demanding, but faithful husband, and the other can be a rapist. In each of these cases, a more careful study of the handwriting of each of these four men will detect differences. Therefore, it is unreasonable to form a hasty rating. "

The main technical know-how used in the work of graphologists when learning any text as a life scenario. The words posted on the line are analyzed by three zones letters:

Top zone - aspirations, dreams, spirituality (super ego);

Medium zone - the area of ​​social and everyday relationship (consciousness);

Lower zone - Physical needs, both emotional and sexual (subconscious).

If there is a disregard of one zone or exaggeration to the other, it is necessary to pay special attention to this and take into account Newans.

Graphology explodes as a myth so-called "sex symbols" images, because the study of their hand writing shows that very often the authors have a very low sex drive, and the image that they represent to the public is a carefully developed facade created by persistent and calculated publicity. . On the other hand, consideration of written options for samples from people who seem to be interested in sex often show strong sex drives and special preferences in performing these strong instinctive desires. Therefore, the grapheology is reliable in matters of emotional and sexual compatibility of couples, in the description of relations and ways to reduce conflicts.

Sexy drive, normal, subnormal or abnormal, is shown in handwriting through writing lowercase letters and their ratio in the middle and lower zone. Bottom loops show us subconscious instincts and / or compensatory mechanisms. It all depends on the degree of severity of this feature, from the rhythm of its appearance in the text, as well as from the force of Prai with the letter and characteristics of the stroke. The second factor, the method of writing pronouns I - as I position myself (looks in the capital and as a capital letter).

When stress or tension occurs, this rhythm is broken, and as a result of the movement of the pen is not coordinated, loops are produced, which change in size, form. In the same text, paragraphs that have even rhythms may indicate harmony and internal balance, which can withstand a strong external pressure - a lot depends on the submission (feedback with the author) is required). Other written forms are found, which is rhythmic and, at the same time, not uniform, which shows on an excitable and emotionally neurotic person, which lacks this internal balance. When the lengths of the lower loops are extremely strange, eccentric or bizarre, they can identify nerve disorders, braking, tension, sexual and physical disorders or disease, aggressiveness, sadism, masochism, bloated sexual fantasies, and homosexuality, both in men and women.

Round hinges show imagination and emotionality, and pressure will show sensuality and energy, or its disadvantage depending on the thickness of the strokes. "Sweetness" loops can be hint on frigidity or impotence. To understand the features of strokes data, it is necessary to study many samples. Not ethical, and just dangerously diagnosed by one touch or faded loop. Additionally, you should be familiar with the main style of letters (learning the letter) in a particular generation. After all, deviations with the sign '+ or -' are considered as manifestations of individuality within the framework of the stylistry of the basic letter.

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