Contour plastic: what it is and how much does its effect hold


The appearance of man has always played a huge role in his positioning: they meet, as you know, "by clothes", that is, in appearance. The attractiveness is a guarantee of success, and in the very attractiveness, the person plays a crucial role. Therefore, many modern women, and men, too, noticing age-related changes or having received some injuries to the face, treating illness, treat help to a plastic surgeon or a cosmetologist. After all, medical intervention is a fast and reliable way to return the face to the former beauty.

However, many people do not want to resort to surgical operations on the face. Is it possible to do without them? For this, there is cosmetology - non-invasive procedures that change the contours of the person, which allows to eliminate age changes and the oval itself, the skin and oval face.

The doctor conducts contour plastic by introducing dermal fillers to the area of ​​the face that must be subjected to medical adjustment.

Hyaluronic acid contained in the preparation contributes to cell regeneration, pushes the body to self-generating elastin and collagen, and the gel composition of the drugs contributes to the humidification of the face of the face, which also makes the skin more elastic and young on appearance.

There are several of the most common types of contour plastics. Thus, the contour plastic lips allows to gain a juiciness and smoothness of this part of the person, make the contour of the lips more clearly, if necessary, increasing their volume. This procedure takes only 10-15 minutes.

Thanks to the contour plastic, the focus is changing, the lines become clearer. A similar procedure on the chin forms its clearer contour, eliminates defects. Similarly, the contour plastic of the nose allows you to adjust its shape, for example, to eliminate the non-smoking many of its hubber or get rid of a pointed tip.

Contouring plastic procedures are simple and safe, carried out for 20 to 60 minutes. Since painkillers are used, the patient does not experience uncomfortable sensations and pain. Unlike surgical intervention, the contour plastic procedure does not require long-term rehabilitation. Only three to four hours, the maximum is half of the day, - and you will feel as if nothing was. Only become younger and more beautiful!

Many are interested in the question, how much does the effect of the contour plastic hold? Since the procedure is carried out by injection of drugs, then a very long-term plastic effect will not be in any case. Typically, the result is preserved over time from 6 to 24 months. People who want to preserve the beauty of the face for a long time, simply come to a re-procedure, good, unlike surgical operations, risks with contour plastic are minimal. In addition, from the surgical operation, the contour plastic is different and a much smaller cost, proportional to the spent surgeon and the price of the drugs used.

It is worth noting that when conducting contour plastics, there is practically no complications. They are possible only in cases where the patient or himself does not comply with the recommendations of the attending physician, or does not inform him about his state of health and, for example, the presence of an allergic reaction to any drugs. Thus, if you want to improve your appearance - everything is in your hands, and most importantly - contact a qualified technician with extensive experiences of such procedures.

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