"Stepanenko is trying to take revenge on Petrosyan for his sufferings"


"If you analyze Petrosyan and Stepanenko's relationship from the point of view of psychology, everything becomes logical here. The model of behavior of Elena Grigorievna says that she is a woman who was humiliated and insulted. She is trying to take revenge on Evgeny Vaganovich for his sufferings and, of course, it becomes clear here that such emotions can cause treason in a woman, and not just treason, but public treason. Recently, the elderly artist stopped hiding relationships with a young beloved. Paparazzi increasingly began to notice a couple, coming from shops, from secular events, and Elena in his life began to go to the background. In addition, treason is at that age perceived much more. In the pre-adjustable and climatic period, the woman becomes more emotional and sensitive, and of course, a woman loses confidence in herself, she understands that years go, and, ranking with his spouse, it has fewer and less chances for building new relationships.

Humorist attribute Roman with Tatiana Burhunova

Humorist attribute Roman with Tatiana Burhunova

Photo: facebook.com/tatyana.bruhunova.

Being in an depressed state and a protracted depression, a woman can act as Elena Stepanenko. There are rumors that Petrosyan and Stepanenko do not live together for about 15 years that he has changed more than one young passion. In my practice there were similar couples, where a woman just went to the shadow, as if watching the further development of events - in the hope that, walking, a man will return to the family. But in the case of Eugene and Elena, when a young beloved pregnancy was revealed, it was impossible to endure, and the devotee began to act, realizing that the child would be a direct heir of the property. In this particular situation, Elena Grigorievna chose an incorrect position, and if a man left the family, he will not return. And it is necessary to disperse lovely, especially since they are connected by a joint business. And here both sides of the conflict make themselves the enemy. It was worth noting at first calls to the side, but try to return the relationship, but at this stage it is impossible to glue the broken vase, and Stepanenko should let go of his spouse with the world. "

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