9 useful properties of melon


Property №1

Melon - a storehouse of vitamins. It saturates our organism ascorbic acid, which is more in it than in lemon or oranges. Fruits contain vitamin A, compounds of group B and nicotine acid PP.

Melon is very useful

Melon is very useful


Property №2.

Gives us a melon and a lot of trace elements. In it iron, sodium, potassium, calcium. They provide the normal exchange work of the body and the removal of toxic substances from it.

It is good in combination with other fruits.

It is good in combination with other fruits.


Property number 3.

This fragrant product increases the body's protective forces and leads to the hemoglobin rate.

Suitable for meat

Suitable for meat


Property number 4.

The use of melon contributes to improving health with urolithiasis, diseases of the liver and kidney.

Harmonies with vegetables

Harmonies with vegetables


Property number 5.

A piece of this fragrant fetus eaten on dessert will help your stomach easier to digest lunch. Melon improves digestion.

Melon varieties There are many

Melon varieties There are many


Property number 6.

Men for potency is helpful to take powder from melon seeds.

9 useful properties of melon 55004_6

"Kolkhoznitsy" can be grown in the suburbs


Property number 7.

From ripe melon, not only delicious, but also very useful juice. Only recycle the fruit is necessary with the skin. Along with beverages, chlorophyll will receive in the body - an important component of blood.

Mainly fruit driven from Central Asia

Mainly fruit driven from Central Asia


Property number 8.

In folk medicine, with the help of melon and its seeds are expelled helminths.

9 useful properties of melon 55004_8

"Torpedes" the most juicy


Property number 9.

Gathered to lose weight? Buy Melon, it perfectly cleans the body. Along with excess water, harmful substances come out.

Melon is perfect for canning

Melon is perfect for canning


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