Fighter of the invisible front: Simple tips on how to help your intestine


Despite the more attentive attitude to his own health, women face delicate intestinal problems twice as many men.

Most often discomfort in the abdomen says that the intestinal microflora is impaired. Experts note that there are not many factors that determine the state of one of the largest bodies of our body, and with many problems it is possible to cope on their own.

Let's look at the top three most popular of them in more detail.

Water treatments

Probably, you already guessed that it would be about the fact that you need to drink those the most notorious 2 liters of water per day! Clean water not only quenches thirst, saturates the skin, eliminating wrinkles and imperfections, but also supports the water balance of internal organs.

A sufficient amount (correct) fluid improves intestinal peristalsis - that is, the digestible food becomes easier to move along the digestive tract. Along with water, slags, toxins and harmful chemical compounds are removed, inevitably settle in the body of large cities in the body.

A reasonable approach in this case will be the use of 50-100 ml of water per hour.

Recall, tea, coffee, soups are not included in the recommended volume.


Products for health

If discomfort in the abdomen is a permanent satellite of your life, then the nutritional issues should be taken very seriously. Getting rid of uncomfortable states, ladies often go along the false path, resorting to the help of laxatives. Such drugs act often too aggressively, when using use to significant structural changes, which may even even require serious intestinal treatment.

For the correct establishment of the work gastrointestinal tract, it is more expedient to resort to the help of such nutrients such as fiber and probiotics. A large amount of fiber can be found in vegetables, fruits, some croups and leguminous crops.

It is known that the source of probiotics are dairy and dairy products. But, despite their availability, unexpected problems may arise. First, often products manufactured by industrial way do not contain probiotics in the desired quantity. Secondly, many people have the intolerance to the milk protein and are forced to abandon the entire range of the relevant department in the store.

Representatives are coming to the rescue in this situation, containing a balanced combination of probiotics, primarily lacto and bifidobacteria - for example, lactobalance. This multipurobiotic is the last generation, it contains useful bacteria from Japan, which help maintain the normal state of the intestines, "grow" their own healthy microflora. The lactobalance is particularly relevant due to the improper nutrition of the modern person and the periodic reception of drugs. In particular, experts recommend a course reception of lactobalance after treatment with antibiotics, with errors in a diet, climate change, water to restore the natural useful intestinal microflora.


Sport = Health

Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle is reflected not only on the testimony of our domestic scales. The lack of movement and neglect of elementary physical exercises provoke a decrease in the intestinal motility - food is moving along the digestive tract sluggishly and reluctantly, it can stick together into lumps, thereby even more difficult to make it naturally eliminating the body.

If possible, give preference to walking distance during the day, from time to time, take away walks in nature or at least go out into the adjacent seamboard during the lunch break.

Provide yourself with high-quality regular nutrition, observe the drinking mode and do not forget about the satisfying physical exertion - your intestines will tell you thanks and will give a wonderful well-being and a great look!

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