Alicia Vicander: "The worst of all silence. Unbearable when ignored "


Exactly a year ago, in February 2016, the cherished golden statuette, Uncle "Oscar", was not very famous for the best female role in Hollywood Swede. Ironically, the award went to Alicia Wikander for work in the picture "Girl from Denmark". The actress is joking that few of the Americans distinguishes these Scandinavian countries. For ceviffs, Beverly Hills, Alicia became a character strange, other, incomprehensible. Why? Answers - in our interview with the starring star.

- Alicia, Hello. The first thing that rushes into the eyes when meeting with you is an amazing calmness, the dignity with which you are holding with everyone - that with journalists, that with colleagues. Is the "Cold Blood" of Northern?

- I am very difficult to evaluate yourself from the side. I do not seem restrained at all. By the way, and I do not think that I look like a native Swede. I think there is an apparent coldness and inaccessibility - traces of a ballet past.

- They are talking about you as the most efficient and hardworking actress of recent years. You can also say thanks to the ballet?

- Yes, there is an unequivocal and loud "yes!". The fact is that the machine you have to repeat again and again the same thing - as long as it does not come out completely. Through the pain you make your way to absolute beauty, through rigor - to magnificent perfectionism, to the sincere desire to give the viewer the best.

"You came to a ballet school very young." Was it a decision or have parents tried?

- In the dance I saved from terrible uncertainty in myself, inner anxiety and sadness. But so it was not always, of course. To school me, four years old, led mom. She worked at the State Theater of Sweden and, it seems to me, I dreamed to give me a classic acting upbringing. Dance, singing, scenic movement - I am about it. I did not think that my naive desire to run in a beautiful pack will turn into something more serious. In the end, the ballet became a real medicine from stress, which I experienced regularly until the age of adulthood. A lot and many hours I spent alone with me, in Triko, in front of the mirror, I frankly with myself myself - and nevertheless, the machine I have become easier for me.

Perishing Hero Vegener, Vicander did not suspect that this heroine will give her world glory

Perishing Hero Vegener, Vicander did not suspect that this heroine will give her world glory

Frame from the movie "Girl from Denmark"

- What is the stress? Where did the negative in the life of a beautiful girl, and afterwards the girl? Or is it a secret?

"I try not to go into details, but no, it's not a secret." As a child, I survived the divorce of the parents. For me it was a heavy test from the very beginning: a small child does not really understand why his familiar world collapses, why should you choose between the father and mother, why do you suddenly have time to spend time with each separately. In a word, I was in a terrible frustration and stupor, but as a man was brought up (smiling) could not carry all these experiences into the world. That is why at some point the accumulated stress began to go through pain and sweat - in dance.

- You were a dancer sustain. How did you get on, what did you find yourself in the frame?

- I never perceived the ballet as something that would be my business of life. And this despite the fact that in due time he studied at the Royal Choreographic School. Everything is simple ... it happened, probably here is a suitable word. At fourteen years I got a serious leg injury. And in sixteen I was suddenly invited to the mini-series. Then I realized that this is a new level of my peculiar therapy: in front of the camera it seems to be easier to live. I delight went to knock on the first theatrical school, but I immediately refused. So my dreams crashed. (Smiles.) For some time I tried to go to the acting courses, in parallel working and the saleswoman, and a flowerlike. Tried to gain a foothold in the profession, removing in strange debut short films of young directories. In the end, it was tired of knocking in closed doors, I entered the Faculty of Law and practically buried my acting ambitions.

- And here…

- It is, and here! I remember perfectly: I work in the store of denim clothing, proceed to study, getting used to it. And I call me and call on the role of a young catharina's girl in the picture "To something beautiful." I read the script and understood: the story about me. Although, speaking frankly, I would take for this role, even if there was nothing to do with me in my heroine, "so I wanted to play.

- What is your first full work?

- I play a girl in the power of anxiety and sadness, the only sweat of which is classical music. Of course, there is a love line, but she is a strange Scandinavian (especially for the American viewer). Young and attractive, my heroine desperately falls in love with an old and rude man ...

Beautiful couple - Wikander and Fassbender parted for a while, but soon they came together

Beautiful couple - Wikander and Fassbender parted for a while, but soon they came together

Photo: Rex Features /

- I remember, in the most string of Catarin's film erases its profiles in social networks ... By the way, you are one of the few Hollywood actresses who have no accounts in any of the major networks.

- Oh yes, we are also very similar. Do you want to ask me why I did not start twitter, not public pictures in instagram? (Smiles.) It's not about privacy or desire to hide something from the public. I am absolutely not rushing my status "outside social networks", as many people think, - just this way of virtual existence is not for me. The case of personal preferences, nothing more.

- As for me, it deserves respect. But really in the age of information, this does not seduce you at all? Fans, Likes, reviews online.

- You forget - I am from Northern Europe. (Laughs.) Obviously, it really determines the temperament, perhaps, plays the role of our mentality. But believe me, the focus on the likes and comments are less than many times. Although I recently live in London, where I often observe this sometimes frightening commitment, attachment to its virtual alter ego. I was told a completely wild story - I, by the way, exhaled and happy that this never happened to me. So: one of my familiar actor told how the casting director asked him (as well as many other artists) on the number of subscribers on its pages on social networks. And he decided to take on the role, based on the answers. I suppose that, the more fans the fans have been recorded - the higher the chances of success.

- underestimate the power of fan love is difficult. In the end, it is fans that make a star, isn't it?

- Certainly. But fans are not admired by you - only your talent. Not your adorable character, wonderful cooking skills and the ability to grow plants - by and large, they do not care at all. Cinema is a grand illusion. If our heroes led the chronicle of their lives on the Internet - it would be clear. But we? True, it's absolutely not mine.

Alicia Vicander:

And helped in this film crew film "Light in the Ocean"

Frame from the film "Light in the Ocean"

- How did you decide to leave Stockholm and move to London?

- It seems that it was so long ago, but only five years have passed. I understood that it was time to shoot in the films in English. I risked and left my hometown. It happened after the role in the "royal novel" - I realized that in Scandinavia no longer grown professionally. I remember the apartments in two rooms - we, four Swedish girls, each enthusized with his dream. We lived next to the Portobello market, so rats were constantly ran in the kitchen. It was the most dirtieted maiden apartment that you have ever seen. We had all the clothes with us - she just was lying in a pile in the center of the room, and each pulled out from this mountain what it takes. I tried endlessly - by the way, in the role of "Snow White and the Hunter", which Kristen Stewart received in the end, and on the "girl with a tattoo of the dragon" - her ruuna Mara was performed. The most terrible were not the failures - in the end, we all involve it to hear the word "no" since childhood. The most terrible silence was: unbearable when you ignore you.

- And nevertheless, moving to London was a success - you immediately performed the role of Kiti in the famous already "Anne Karenina" Joe Wright. Decent, software role. What impressed you most on these shootings?

- We were filmed in Russia, in Karelia, where around hundreds of miles are neither soul. I, who comes from the north, saw such expanses for the first time. Everything was - sorry for the pun - as in the movies. The cold is unimaginable, silence is just space. I had a weekend, and I decided to warm up with the help of coffee, while the rest were engaged in the shooting process. Poured milk into the mug and went to search for grains. I went out on the porch of my trailer, looked around - and slaughter! Low sun, glowing snow, amazing calm. Under the impression, I shed my milk, it immediately froze, and I slipped on it. Flew right in the snow face! Lying and laughed. Here is perhaps the most strange memory for the whole career.

- Alicia, you received Oscar for the best female role of the second plan. Critics say that you are the Queen of the image "The Second Violin". Agree?

- Well, what kind of sensible actor will be glad the official role of the second violin? I have a healthy ambition. I want to be filmed in films like "Born." But at the same time I will never give up small stories of young people. They are difficult to watch the chair in the cinema. Perhaps you will not be able to chew under these stories popcorn. But from such stories, my career began, they gave me a chance to acting - and I hope that I will deal with a passion for each of your viewer.

Alicia Vicander:

Wikander became a triumphant of the very ceremony "Oscar", when Leonardo di Caprio received the long-awaited statuette

Photo: Rex Features /

- What did you do right after got a statuette?

- I am quite embarrassing about it to talk about it. (Smiles.) The fact is that since my ingress in Hollywood, everything seems to me that what is happening is a rainbow sleep, an illusion that is about to hang out. Therefore, as soon as I received Oscar and stayed alone with me, I ... bites him. Well, you see - to check whether it is true. Do you have chocolate medals, chocolate hares? In short, I checked my strength award.

- the year has passed since your unequivocal triumph, named by the time of Alicia Wikander, is completed. At least on the calendar. How do you feel yourself as a new Hollywood role model?

- The past year was pretty ... tough. I fully realized that they were experiencing those stars that tear into parts. A huge number of interviews. (Smiles.) Many events. I became a public person. Perhaps I can only describe what is happening around. In general, my self-assumption did not change at all.

- I know that you almost do not talk about your personal life, but I can not ask. You and Michael Fassbender again together - and unequivocally announced this with their kisses, just during your award.

- Yes, we are together.

Alicia Vicander:

With Eddie Redmene in a Oscar "Girl from Denmark"

Frame from the movie "Girl from Denmark"

- Did you come together on the set of "light in the ocean"?

"You're right, I don't talk to personal topics." However, Michael already told everything. We got acquainted earlier at the festival in Canada. Even danced - Michael later complained that it looked very ridiculous on my background. I will say honestly: that truth is true. (Laughs.) And then we shot together.

- The magic between you is visible in every frame. Is it still a skillful game, which then reflected on reality, or did you immediately fall in love?

- I am more pleasant to think that both of the first place are the perfect actors. Although denying our connection with him, the chemistry would be wrong. I really find it difficult to talk about our relationship frankly. Ask - I will try to answer.

- Okay. Who first went on rapprochement?

- Michael. He was so tacty and Mil - an experienced, a mast actor, older than me for twelve years, he was constantly interested in my opinion, asked if I liked this or that scene. And completely conquered me that he directly turned to me - beginner, in essence, actress - for specific recommendations. "How do you think I should do? How to give my character depth? How do we show our relationship? " - You know, this is the most touching and delicate seduction with which I came across.

Kitty from Anna Karenina in the execution of Alicia was recognized by the exemplary heroine of the novel of Tolstoy

Kitty from Anna Karenina in the execution of Alicia was recognized by the exemplary heroine of the novel of Tolstoy

Frame from the film "Anna Karenina"

- Fassbender is one of the main sex symbols of the generation. What is the girlfriend of a live idol? Are you jealous?

- You understand that for me he is primarily a friend and mentor, a loved one and a source of inspiration. I sincerely consider Michael one of the main characters not only sex rating, but also a cinematic list. He is among the best actors of modernity. I was glad that the case brought us in the frame - and not only as a couple, but also as an acting duet. And, by the way, I am not jealous at all.

- Returning to the beginning of our conversation. Around you fans and directors, you are moving in the film by film, you made you by Louis Vuitton. Soon you will become a new Larry Croft. And you remain removed, calm, extremely polite, modest, friendly. Not so easy to get into the head of Alias ​​Vicander, isn't it?

- No, everything is simple. I love to play. I love my parents. My man. Even his hard childhood. I love my homeland, Sweden, my second homeland is England. And I do not see the reasons to change my usual behavior. I'm not a star, not a genius.

- That is, "Oscar" - literally nothing for you?

"Oscar" gave me a name and the opportunity not only to be filmed, but also to shoot. So soon I will leave the frame to get up for the camera. Wait.

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