Wait with you: when you need to leave him


Work on relationships is not an easy work, and it is not always possible to save the Union, no matter how you wanted it. It is important to understand in time when it simply does not make sense to preserve the outstanding relationship. We will give a few tips to help make the right decision.

Your goals in life stopped the coincidence

Any family conflict, as a rule, may not be reduced, if the couple has a general direction in family life. For example, you are planning to become parents in the near future or want to purchase common square meters. However, as soon as your partner begins to stop any conversations about joint plans that he previously could discuss with you for hours, think about what you live together. Of course, excellent sex and, let's say a joint thing, is good, but for the construction of a family is not enough. If the quarrels accompany each of your day, maybe you should not keep what is falling apart?

Trust - one of the most important items for building a happy union

Trust - one of the most important items for building a happy union

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Sex has disappeared from your relationship

Of course, it is stupid to expect that the passion that covered you in the first months of relationships, everything will still circle your head. After some time, calm, harmony and tenderness comes to replace stormy sex. In addition, the rhythm rhythm of the life of a big city makes its own adjustments to your intimate plans. And yet, if you begin to notice that you are constantly looking for excuses, just not to go with a man to bed, it may be the first bell that relations are developing in a dead end.

You cease to trust the partner

One of the "whales" on which your union is holding is trust. It is worth a partner at least once to undermine your confidence in it, the further life together will be given with great difficulty. In a situation where trust fully disappears, and all your attempts do not help return happiness in the relationship, you need to admit that such relationships simply have no future.

sometimes it is easier to part than to glue what is finally broken

sometimes it is easier to part than to glue what is finally broken

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

You do not feel satisfaction from these relationships.

As we have already spoken, the relationship is the same job, only more painting. If the partner does not see your attempts to establish contact, does not appreciate that most often you are on the compromise, ask yourself how happy you are when you treat you in a similar way. If the relationship is not happy, but only bring disappointment, to maintain them only for the very fact of the relationship, is not true, and ultimately will lead you to parting.

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