Apply an anti-influenza blow


Uninvited guest, the flu comes to us enviable regularity - epidemic outbreaks of this disease are constantly fixed in different regions of Russia. On average, hundreds of thousands of people are ill annually with flu (not including other ARVI). So, in December 2016, the influenza epidemic came immediately in more than 20 regions of Russia, including Moscow and the Moscow region. In many cities and regions - in the Volgograd and Chelyabinsk regions, in the Penza region, in Tomsk, in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region - dozens and hundreds of schools were closed on a quarantine for influenza.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the flu this year causes our "old friends" - these are strains A / CALIFORNIA / 7/2009 (H1N1, or "pork" influenza), A / Hongkong / 4801/2014 (H3N2, or "Hong Kong influenza) and Influenza virus strain in / brisbane / 60/2008. The flu, especially caused by the first two strains of a variable virus, occurs hard, and often gives such complications as pneumonia, kidney disease, cardiovascular system and joints. Children and elderly people in the risk risk group fall into force of the age characteristics of the work of the immune system, as well as men and women of active working age, interacting with a large number of people (doctors, teachers, sellers) attending shopping centers and other places with great The accumulation of people moving by public transport.

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In order not to leave the influenza chance, it is important to take action in advance - to inflict a presets on the influenza, strengthening your immunity. Help solve this difficult task can Russian antiviral drug Kagelin. Special proteins are answered for the protection of the body from viruses - interferons. They create a barrier that makes it difficult to live, reproduction and spread viruses in the body, increasing the immunity of healthy cells to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. When taking the kagocel, the number of interferons circulating in the human body is physiologically rising for up to 4-5 days, which reduces the likelihood of infected with influenza. The efficacy and safety of the drug is proved, and the results of the recently completed FLU-EE study are posted in free access, on the international portal is a respected international register of clinical and observational research, a significant source of public information on the development and research and safety research and safety research.

Kagole is also suitable for planned, and for emergency (immediately after contact with a person already sick influenza) prevention, and used in therapeutic and preventive purposes both in adults and in children since 3 years. The result of a recent study of FLU-EE with almost 19 thousand patients out of 262 medical centers of Russia, Armenia, Moldova and Georgia once again confirmed that the drug is effective even with the initiation of the beginning of treatment - up to 4 days from the appearance of symptoms, reduces the likelihood of complications and accelerates recovery.

Kagelin: It's all about prevention!

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