Pan or disappeared: how to understand whether you spent 2019 more productive


Completion of the year is always a bit sad date. It seems that the new year is soon - you will have time to see everyone close and arrange a party that will be remembered for a long time, but inside lives "tummy" feeling that you really have not achieved anything. Chin up! We will give you a reason to be proud of yourself - it is only worth allocating time to summarize.

Black Balance Wheel

First of all, understand which areas managed to develop over the past year. Well, if your smartphone has already installed an application for building a balance wheel. But if not, it will never be late to master this useful technique: draw a circle on paper and divide it into sectors - personal life, home, business, work, self-development, friendship and others that are important for you from the spheres of our own life. Inside the large circle you need to draw another 8 small in the direction of the external circle to the central. Set 10 questions to make it easier to evaluate the sectors. For example, for the scope of personal life, you can choose such: I have a young man? Our relationship suite me? Do me relate to me with attention and care? Do we often talk for souls? Do we like to spend your free time next to each other? We solve all the problems in the dialogue, and not offending each other? And so for each sphere. Evaluating them, you can build plans for the next year.

Learn to draw the wheel of the balance

Learn to draw the wheel of the balance


We look at the list of desires

How many of the desires written on the eve of 2019 turned into goals and were fulfilled by your efforts? If you have completed more than 70% of the plan, the year is definitely considered successful. Advice for the next year - you can change goals as soon as you understand that they stopped being relevant to you. There is nothing terrible to change the plans for travel, an ambulance wedding, even if she fell down at the last moment, and quit from work that you seem to dream before. Become an engine of your life, and not her involuntary witness.

Rate your mental health

You can earn hundreds of thousands, buy a gorgeous car and drive half a hundred, but not to become happy. And at the same time, you can be squeezed like a lemon, but every day with a smile to get out of the house and thank the world for dozens of opportunities that allow you to self-develop and achieve new steps. If you have a persistent feeling that you have lost the guidelines and nothing pleases you, sign up for a psychotherapy session. Usually enough for a couple of months of classes to look deeper into its subconscious and solve all mental problems. Feel free to contact the psychologist - it is not ashamed to treat your head, but necessary.

Feel happy

Feel happy


Thank yourself

Only through love and respect for themselves can be achieved equilibrium in all spheres of life. Become an independent and independent person: to be near such a person - true happiness. Meet friends with whom I have not seen a long time ago, and call your loved one for a date - discuss the past year, watch photos and dare from the soul over the "Fakapami". You are not required to be perfect - it is sometimes useful to laugh at yourself.

And how did you spend this year? Share the most memorable moment in the comments.

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