Where the hair leaves: 5 habits that spoil your hairstyle


We spend a considerable part of your own budget for all sorts of procedures designed to restore the hair backed by paints, styling and lacquer. However, to return the health of the hair is much more difficult than preventing their damage. We will tell, what mistakes you admit, because of what your hair looks no matter.

You are too often my hair

Let you use the most expensive shampoo without sulfates, even such a delicate tool will dry the skin and hair yourself, if you use it too often. If a strong need arises, wash your head, try to use an increasing amount of shampoo each time. Even the long hair is enough and half of the amount of shampoo that you use usually.

You are too rude to handle wet hair

You probably know that wet hair is considered extremely recommended, since in wet state the hair is most susceptible to external damage. If necessary, use a wooden comb with rare cloths, and before combing ourselves, apply a moisturizing air conditioner.

After washing the hair, in no case is not a trite with a towel - only slightly blocked them with a soft towel and leave it loose instead of tying a towel on the head.

It's easier to prevent damage than to deal with them

It's easier to prevent damage than to deal with them

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

You do not care for combs and other tools for care

The less often you brush the comb from the accumulated hair, the better it lives on it bacteria that cause irreparable damage to the scalp and the hair itself. Your favorite comb must be cleaned after each use, and the rest of the tools like the Bigway, brushes and special combs need to disinfect once a month. To do this, dissolve in a liter of water a tablespoon of salt, and then drop all items into the solution for several minutes.

You use aggressive styling agents

Permanent staining, especially when it comes to a cardinal change of hair color, straightening, curling and other chemical procedures do not bring anything except harm. Of course, sometimes you want to change, especially if an important or festive event is ahead, but constant chemical impacts, including the use of varnish and foam at home, only weaken your hair, making them dry and difficult to combing combing.

Be careful when choosing a leaving

Be careful when choosing a leaving

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

You constantly make hairstyles

If the hair is in permanent voltage, do not be surprised why they begin to fall out. Many of us do not represent our lives without tails, beams and other intricate hairstyles, however, the hair needs to be able to relax, because even the most gentle gums and hairpins at frequent use will bring some problems. Be careful!

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