Best Gift for March 8


Hob stereotypes! We are confident that your second half of the International Women's Day will gladly prefer something more alternative.

For example, a campaign to the concert of the beautiful group "Murakami".

On March 8, Dilyara Vagapov with his team will perform in the Moscow Metal Club. It will be a special concert made up of the best songs for more than a ten-year group history. The authors of the hits "Zero kilometer", "Brad" and "Pro Urals" prepared a bright program with the participation of special guests and a large number of surprises.

In short, if you want to celebrate enchanting and not standard on March 8, the site gives you this opportunity.

Dilyara Vagapova

Dilyara Vagapova

Especially for our readers, we play 2 sets of tickets.

To win them, you need to answer one question: In which Russian comedy Soundrek sounds the song of the Murakami "three days of untrue"?

Hint - The film is associated with the number 8! :) Like the upcoming festive concert of the group in the club Moscow!

Answers send to [email protected] marked with the topic "Murakami". The first lucky people who correctly guess the name of the film, and will receive two tickets. Forward!

Photo provided by the press service of the group.


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