Pavel Pascal: "My silk heart has never been free"


In the early 2000 Song "Silk Heart" and "100 percent of love" sounded almost every iron. Now Pascal, and in the world Pavel Titov, continues his creative activity, just a little adopted fans.

- This year you turned 55 years old. What mood noted this important date?

- Mood is excellent. As they say, the flight is normal. Everything acts as a well-established mechanism, without any failures. The fact that I don't like to celebrate my birthdays at all is another story. Nevertheless, 55 is a certain occasion. But I still fell to this anniversary with a light smirk - see what will happen next!

- Do you generally believe in these numbers - in what you 55?

- I believe in the numbers. 50, 55 - figures, agree, serious. 55 Personally, I like more: "Five" is a positive mark, if folded, it turns out ten. If you fold it again, we get a unit, and it started at all. Therefore, we can say that everything is just beginning. According to my feelings, it is so! As for what age I feel, it is difficult for me to call a certain number. It seems to me that I absorbed several ages: in me now there is a thirst and curiosity of a twenty-year-old guy, the incoming and perseverance of the thirty-five-year-old and the equilibrium of the fifty-year-old. And I like it. Of course, there are some physical features inherent in my age: an understanding has come that you need to rest more, I began to recover longer after the tour, I love to inactivate a little after the tour, as they say, to recharge the batteries, which was not observed before me. Otherwise, the normal age is good. I like him.

The sons of the singer rose and graduated from Physifak MSU. However, both are passionate about the music and even write songs of their own essay

The sons of the singer rose and graduated from Physifak MSU. However, both are passionate about the music and even write songs of their own essay

Photo: Personal archive

"I always wanted to find out where Pascal's pseudonym did?"

"I started when our show business began to fasten, producers appeared with European concepts and savages. It was assumed to sign a contract with a famous producer, now helabeed, who said that he would not take for the project until he had a name. He wanted to unwind the brand, not the name and surname. The terms of the contract were good, everything was successful, so I went to take a pseudonym. I was offered several options, but I had my own. I suggested my school nickname, which, however, was not long. Then it sounded naughty, now more cheeky and sharply. In general, Pascal is the unit of pressure measurement: why not measure in Pascals a unit of musical pressure per capita, we decided then.

- You stopped producing new albums for some time. Why did not actively work in this direction?

- If you look at people like Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky, who annually produce records, I, of course, stopped at this stage. But let's look at my biography in the plates: 2000 - "Silk Heart", 2001 - "100 percent of love", 2006 - "Clean works". This album was released in conjunction with the family of Igor Vladimirovich Talkov and dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the memory of the artist. In 2008, I released the album "Golden Dreams", in 2010 - an unnecessary album that no one took, nevertheless it exists. In 2017 there was a "BEST" album, but no one wanted to take it on the implementation: albums are no longer sold, so it came out as informal. At the moment, the studio reduces the last song from the album, the working name of which "on the road". I really had enough big breaks in album records associated with what I worked on other projects wrote music. And then, I do not chase after the number of songs like whale, which captures a lot of plankton in the hope of catching a shrimp.

Pavel Pascal

Pavel Pascal

Photo: Personal archive

- I know that you have two sons. What do they do?

- both graduated from school with a physico-mathematical bias, then in turn (they are weather) entered the Physifak of Moscow State University. The senior entered the graduate school, the younger - in the magistracy. Despite the fact that they are physicists, they still have a lot to music. The older is more. I took the space under the studio and write music - the project is called Tonichelli. Both graduated from the Baha Music School: Senior Saxophone Class, Junior Guitar Class. The eldest even managed to play KVN. Here are my children.

- Do you support relationships with them?

- At different times in different ways. Up to twelve, everything was fine, and then the teenage age began. The younger is still abundantly, wants independence, the dialogue has already been established. In general, we have a good relationship with mutual understanding.

- Paul, many wanted to conquer your silk heart. I managed to do it all the same?

- My heart has never been particularly free. (Smiles.) I just never advertised it. Just a relationship, in my opinion, this is a purely personal matter. Family life must be calm and measured. Of course, my girl is also a bright and artistic person, but at one time we decided that someone should be at home.

- How do you prefer to spend your free time?

- I walk a lot when there is time, passing the kilometers ten. Winter is skiing running or mountain, summer - kayaks, hiking, climbing. Last year he climbed Beshtau twice, I went on foot on Ai-Petri. In Altai was. In kayaks most often go to Finland - there is very beautiful, calm, in summer there is a great temperature. Hobbies for me is a farm, I live on earth, and I really like it. I try to grow everything that I want. Not always, however, it is possible. The fourth year I try to grow grapes until it turns out. And everything else grows. There is even a honeysuckle and a Far Eastern lemongrass.

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