Notes of Thai Mommy: "Sigor Thai men grow breasts to make money on life?"


In principle, they can be seen from afar. However, even by me, having lived in Thailand for almost two years, sometimes scared when a pretty long-legged division suddenly begins to speak bass. Or, on the contrary, a strong parenchy with inspired by the trust biceps Tomno, very female, rolls eyes.

Indeed, for some reason, it is in Thailand that there is a huge number of third-party persons: rising men and husband-like women in women's clothing. I even defined for myself, as it is correct to distinguish them - so that no one is offended. The fact is that men here at the meeting welcome you like this: "Savatdy Krap", women - "Savatdy Ka" (with an emphasis on the final vowel). The same applies to thanks. "Thank you" performed by men sounds like "Cop Coon Krap", women say: "Cop Kun". That is, when I hear in response to the greeting of the outstanding "K-A-A", it means that the lady is in front of the lady (well, or considering itself such), and if the harsh and short "crap" is a man. Believe me, the discoveries sometimes takes a lot!

But why in Thailand so many transsexuals? Versions I heard plentifully, among them even such fantastic, that this is due to the unprecedented number of sunny days in the local places. More pragmatic parties will explain to you that even the real men to feed their poor families, begin to drink hormones and, reflecting the chest, go to the panel - only there, they say, and you can earn decent money. But the more I studied this topic, the more I understood that I personally have no answer to this question. I can only give out historical facts that clarify why in Thailand is so tolerant for these inems and dissimilarities. There are among them and very busy ...

Continued ...

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