Anna Peskov: "Two weeks after the birth of a daughter, I entered the frame"


Amplua Anna Peskovo is fully fit in idioms "Deceit and love". And in the series actress just such. However, there is no trace outside the set of its image.

- The new season is usually a new round in the life of the heroine. How has your character changed in the series "Pregnancy Test"?

- My heroine Inga Elizarova remained the same: insidious, tough, walking out. Changed the conditions in which it exists. If in the first season she was an innerney, then now returned to the clinic as a leader. The deterrent factors have become less, it, of course, imposes a print and behavior.

- How much do you yourself look like your heroine?

- I'm not like an ingue with Ingi, and I wondered for a long time: what director Mikhail Weinberg saw in me? It was incredibly difficult to work on the role, I did not understand how to be so cold and calculating, which is inga. How can you go on the heads. At the same time, I am grateful to the director for seeing something new in me. And even the work was not easy, but very interesting. I love to take for such ambiguous roles!

Anna Peskov:

Anna Peskov on the shooting area of ​​the series "Five minutes of silence"

Photo: Personal archive

- Spectators may seem that the shooting conditions were quite comfortable. And how really?

- The most extreme was one summer shooting day when the air temperature on the street exceeded thirty degrees, and we shot the winter scenes. Artists decorators did so that the "snow" was lying on the streets. I sat in a hot car, in the cabin of which it was much hotter than outside, in the fur coat and portrayed, how cold I was cold. There was a lot of water between the dubs, went out into the street, filmed a fur coat and blown herself with fan. To not overheat.

- Is it possible to say that you have replenished knowledge luggage on a medical topic during the execution of the role of a health worker?

- Especially a lot of medical information had to learn when we were preparing for the shooting of the first season. Then my heroine Inga was an intern, passed the practice, and it was important to understand the terminology, to be able to correctly hold medical instruments, carry out manipulation. The shooting group advised an experienced obstetrician, the consultant was always on the site. Sometimes I specified something from my girlfriend. But in fact, for such a role it was important not to become a real doctor - it is impossible within the framework of the shooting, and to reveal the subtle and complex nuances of the character of my heroine.

Anna Peskov:

In the TV series "Pregnancy test", Anna played a cunning careerist

Photo: Personal archive

- Where else can you be seen soon?

- Now we work on the full-length film "The pilot" directed by Renata Davletyarov. It is a tape about the collective image of the hero of the Great Patriotic War, pilot, which, having lost both legs, returned to the front to fight for victory. The main prototype was the legendary pilot Alexey Maresyev, the fate and the exploits of which were included in the story of Boris Polevoy Books "Tale of a true man." The main male role is performed by Peter Fedorov. I am a spritener in this film and play the main female role. We have already filmed part of the scenes, but a lot of work ahead.

- Over the years you have been playing incredibly slender heroines. What do you have to do for this?

- On diets I do not sit, preferring sports and proper nutrition. When I was waiting for Nastya, it also fed correctly, and the pregnancy almost did not affect my weight. My standard diet is dairy products, vegetables, fruits, low-fat meat, fish. I am not a lover of sweets, do not eat fast food, fried. Hunger helps me satisfy the baby puree or apples themselves, nuts. And I also love cucumbers very much, they are tastier for me and the desire of any cake. So I was lucky. (Smiles.)

Anna Peskov:

"I love to take for complex roles and playing those who are not like in life at all."

Photo: Personal archive

- Do you often visit the cosmetologist and go to beauty salons?

"I honestly confess, I go to the beautician twice a year, even the master is my good girlfriend." This is due exclusively with a shortage of time, and it is important for me to get a maximum from the procedures: Introduces the skin with vitamins, I do a peeling, moisturizing masks. I love wraps with algae, massages.

- How do you like to spend your free time? They say you have an unusual passion ...

- Yes, one of my hobbies is shooting. To this I was taught my spouse. When I was preparing for the filming of the full-length film, "say goodbye, Dima offered to go to the shooter. We have repeatedly participated with the spouse in the regattas. Alexander's younger sister once persuaded me to sit behind the wheel of a racing car, and I drove down the Formula 1 highway. In the summer I love walks, bike. I still love skates. Winter season I have already opened for myself on the main rink of the city.

With his spouse Dmitry Prostanskov

With his spouse Dmitry Prostanskov

Photo: Personal archive

- You have not so long ago with my mother. I heard that I had to be filmed, even being in the position ...

- Mom I became two years ago, on December 5th Nastya was a birthday. She was really a lot with me. This and shooting in the series "Five minutes of silence", and a full-length film "Donbass. The outskirts ", where I was already in the seventh month. And two weeks after birth, the daughter went out into the frame "Pregnancy test". And even on December 5, 2017, I had shooting in the chart, but my daughter had our own plans for this day.

- I think I will not be mistaken if I assume that the child grows creative ...

- Nastya is a very creative child, at the same time, from Pope, she inherited the mind and purposefulness (Husband Actress Dmitry Penstanskov - Member of the Board of Directors of the Bitter Studio. - Ed.) And if she goes on his footsteps, I will be happy. At the same time, if the daughter says that he wants to become an actress, I will support it in every way, helping her mentor in life. Now we go to draw and ballet. She herself wanted to do the dances, and even happened that she was crying at the end of classes, she also wanted to dance.

Anna with his daughter Anastasia, who has recently been two years old

Anna with his daughter Anastasia, who has recently been two years old

Photo: Personal archive

- I propose to talk about the approaching New Year holidays. Already know where and how will you celebrate?

- New Year for us a real family holiday, and only once we celebrated it outside the house. Then there was no daughter yet - and we could with my spouse to afford it. But now we plan to gather at home with relatives. Cover a large bumby table, and in the morning of January first to go for a walk.

- What new year was the most memorable for you?

- Somehow on the eve of the New Year, they filmed the first part of the series "Pregnancy test." We were in St. Petersburg and planned that the extreme shooting day would be the thirtieth of December. But it was necessary to remove some more important personnel, and the work continued the next day. Tickets for the plane to Native Chelyabinsk burned. It became a shame and sad, it turned out that I could not fly home to celebrate with my family. It was tuned that I stay in St. Petersburg, but just in case, a site with tickets was opened and saw - there is one, the only thing to Chelyabinsk! It was a real New Year's miracle. On the evening of December 31, I was at home, at the festive table.

The actress loves sports and enjoy visiting rugby matches

The actress loves sports and enjoy visiting rugby matches

Photo: Personal archive

- What gifts do you prefer to give?

- It is important for me to give those gifts that my native will really bring pleasure. Of course, you can ask directly, but then all the magic is lost. Therefore, I prefer just to listen carefully what they say about what they dream. I remember how a few years ago I was presented with incredibly beautiful porcelain ballerinas - Christmas decorations. They symbolized my heroin - Tatyana Goreev from "Family values" and give Lebedev from "Boomeranga". They both in the plot of the film were ballerinas. And since then they are necessarily found in the most prominent places of our Christmas tree.

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