Boris Klyuev: "Sometimes I start to shove out at home, which was not previously founded before


- Boris Vladimirovich, 70 years old is a huge life term and great experience. It seems to me that you have to accumulate such vitality by this time that nothing can knock you out of the gauge.

- That's for sure. (Move.) By this time you have already taken place in the profession, I got on my feet in life. And although much is already defined for you, you still don't feel this age, you still have a thirst to work, there is a purposefulness. Then, I, and by nature, strong enough. Of course, it is difficult for me to knock down in one direction or another.

- What you continue not only to work, but also to be called, at the top, probably also gives support. After all, many of your colleagues at this age are no longer worried about the craft.

- All my classmates are already pensioners. And I still work and, as I understand it, I will work for a long time. I still feel the strength, desire, and I still want to do something in the profession.

"In his youth, when you just started to act in the movies, they were analyzed all the time all the time: this film will make me successful, now the glory will come. Now, when and fame and popularity have long been earned - what helps move on?

- You know creativity - the thing is absolutely insatiable. It is like love - a spring, from which not get drunk. Therefore, while you are offered to work, you need to work. The only thing this year I will allow myself a rest. I have not been on vacation for a long time and now I understand what it is necessary. But when it becomes very difficult, hot and stuffy in pavilions, and in the evening you barely stand on your feet, I always say myself: how many people in my profession would like to be in my place. It stimulates. I always worked a lot. I traveled a lot when I did not have films, I traveled the entire Soviet Union with the concert several times, I really liked it. When you alone with the hall - it helps to establish yourself in the profession. And if this is not - you go to television, to voice acting. I still continue to voice and all my last films had a very good resonance - and cartoons, and the movies "King say" and the "best offer", where I voiced Jeffrey Rasha. This does not mean that I am everywhere. I work selectively. But I believe that it is very interesting when you and on the one hand can turn in the profession, and on the other, and with the third. While I'm wondering, I will do it.

Boris Klyuev:

Before filming in "Voronin", Boris Klyuev never wore training costumes and pastes, but the new image was very successful. .

- And the role of Nikolai Petrovich Voronin in what did you reveal in a new way? After all, it was a completely different image, in contrast to those that you used to play.

- Sure. Moreover, I will tell you that I did not approve me for a long time. One of the channel managers said: "What are you - Klyuv? Yes, he is a serious artist! Take him on Sitkom? .. "And see how it happened ... I never did it before, never went in training costumes, in T-shirts, and here this opportunity is provided to me. Moreover, there were even difficulties with my appearance when they were looking for clothes to me. Because any roll - and immediately I have an intelligence, aristocracy, and it was necessary to remove it. What can I say - I received Thafi for this work, the audience love for my character is simply extraordinary. People fit and say: "Thank you for your creativity," or "You are very similar to my father," or "you look like my grandfather." It is very nice. This means that I did not in vain invested my work in thinking of this role, it means that it is the audience to the soul. I am very pleased that in 65 years I got this interesting job.

- You still have this character and in something personally changed?

- Of course, if you speak the "crap" or "Egyptian force" screen for five years! (Laughs.) This does not mean that I use these expressions at home, because I am absolutely another person. But sometimes it is sometimes starting to smoke, which before me, in general, was not found.

- But this aristocracy, which was from the very beginning, thanks to which you and the heroes played the same. What helped him becoming where his roots?

- I think, first of all, it is genes, it's all in nature. Of course, my ancestors gave me appearance, character, my attitude to life. But, I have to shod, that I worked a lot for my side. I walked a lot for the veterans of the Small Theater, for Mikhail Ivanovich Tsarev, by how he wears a suit, what a vest is suitable for him, how to behave in certain situations. I immediately understood that I my appearance would not have to play the chairmen of the collective farm. In any case, when I put on the uniform, then everyone understands that this is an officer, and if I wear a tuxedo, then everyone understands that I am a Lord or English aristocrat.

- And your grandfather, Fyodor Vasilyevich Klyuev, what kind of belonging to?

- Unfortunately, the time was that I do not know the history of my ancestors. My dad died when I was 4 years old, so this connection was interrupted. I know that grandfather lived somewhere near Dmitrov, in the suburbs that there was some big key clan - nothing else. Who are my ancestors, where do you come from? The Klyuev was in the north, the Ladoga deceka, and on the other hand, a lot of keys and in Ukraine. I remember only two of my grandmothers along the mother's line and the dad line. And men in our family were very quickly leaving.

- You have had memorable things that belonged to your family. Clock, for example, from grandfather.

- Absolutely right. And you know what was the interesting first feeling? Grandfather lived in the Yuzhzhskaya Lane, which is now called Big Palayshevsky. And when my relatives from this apartment were evicted, it was necessary to pick up some of our things from there. I came, and suddenly I saw the wall clock that I remembered since childhood - my grandmother then said that their grandfather bought. I looked at them and understood: "And I like them. I would have bought such too. " And at that moment I seemed to have some kind of thread from my grandfather. I took them, renovated, repaired, and they still work. At first, I could not get used to their battle, but when I came to pick up a watch out of repair, I didn't want to give them for a long time, saying: "You know how the raspberry ringing, they are illuminated!" And everything else, furniture from the real tree is, unfortunately, lost. When related ties are rushing, a lot is lost. But it happened.

Boris Klyuev:

Boris did not argue for a long time for the role of Nikolai Petrovich Voronin. One of the channel managers said: "What are you - Klyuv? Yes, he is a serious artist! Take him on Sitkom? .. "

- You have one more aristocratic passion - you divor the roses. It seems to me that this is all, too, from somewhere from those times, when they had large estates with a pink garden ...

- I had a wonderful case. I am lying in my garden on my birthday. Roses fragrant with a circle, with me there are two dogs - we rest. Suddenly there is a telephone call from London and from the radio station "Freedom" congratulates Seva Novgorod residents. Something speaks about Sherlock Holmes and Majerft Holmes, and then asks the question: "What are your roots?" Imagine, I am in the suburbs, a cottage, Zvenigorod, I say: "Seva, you will not believe. I'm lying around me fraud to roses of all varieties, trimmed grass like a lawn in London, but I don't know anything about my roots! " I tried many times to learn my pedigree, I paid money, but after all, all the time was cheating - they did not find anything. But this call from London - I was very nice.

- And you did not have anything from the images of your kinoheroev? Maybe you keep some memorable things, details?

- No, I'm all stored only in memory. In my big head lies a lot of things. After all, when you work over something, you are looking for and find a lot of details that help you in your work. For example, when I was tried on the role of Kolchak, I began to read a lot of his letters, and in one of the correspondence I discovered that he smoked, because the wife brought him to the prison of cigarettes. And I came up with a scene in the film, where I lie in bed and play with a cigarette, with a cigarette. The head of the artists are so arranged that sometimes you go somewhere and suddenly you click: "Why didn't you do that and then in this role? Why is it just now you come to mind? " In this sense, like theatrical artist, I am in a more profitable position: the cinemas cannot fix anything, and we, playing performances sometimes for several years, we work on the role all the time, finding new and new details.

- And what is the main thing on the basis of your great experience, do you learn your students in Schepkinskaya School?

- The most important thing is that I always teach them that they do not need anyone. That no one will give anything on a saucery with a blue car. In life, in any profession you need to fight. You have the abilities - you must create them as much as possible. A professional consists of this: disadvantages to hide, dignity - show. You may not be approved for some role, but never tell you that you are a bad artist. No need to love you, it is important that you are respected. And respect must be achieved. You need to be proud. At first, something is not happening - not scary. You can win the start, but come to the finish line the last, you can win the middle and come again the last. Therefore, the main thing is to come to the finish. The number always goes into quality. And there is still such an old acting saying: "20 years you work in the name, then the name works for you."

With his wife Victoria, in the past - a professional athlete and coach. Photo: Sergey Ivanov.

With his wife Victoria, in the past - a professional athlete and coach. Photo: Sergey Ivanov.

- Boris Vladimirovich, and what is it, I say without a flattery, to be involved in the history of national cinema? After all, you survived all his stages, starting to act in 1963 in the "war and the world", and now I reach the "Voronin"?

"Yes, I first crossed the threshold" Mosfilm "being a student at 18 years old. It was January 1963, there was such a film "They walked to the East", removed Italian de Santis. Tanya Samoilova played a major role, and also - Valera Somov, my very big buddy, one of whose most beautiful artists I saw in my life, our was Alain Delon.

- How did you save such an worldview, thanks to which they did not give up 65 years old to play in Sitkom, showing that even this can be done well?

- Work affects man. If you work in a pigsty all the time, you know this thing very well. When you grow roses all your life, you too master this skill. But there is a big difference between pigsty and roses. You see, I am theater artist, I have always had a theater. Cinema, guys-film actors are in a more distressed position, because the cinema will definitely ends, whatever the brilliant picture was. I always understood that if you are an artist, you should be known, popular. Even if it does not work, you should strive for it, because it obliges the profession so much. But in no case can you depend on it. If you begin to depend on it, you will start walking and ask for roles, you can hardly reach something. I saw when the famous film cartartists were knocked on the Mosfilm and asked: "You do not need good artists?" And they said: "No, thank you." I understood that it was humiliation, but such an acting nature: you want or not - you are chosen. Therefore, you need to do everything to be respected. If you got a tiny episode, you have to think everything yourself, no one hope and play so that it is as good as possible. This is a very complex life process, so it needs to be philosophically. In general, this attitude cultivated in myself with a young nail, initially touched my life, and it worked.

- And the fact that you devoted all my life exactly to the Maid Tatar - was it a conscious choice - theater with a classic repertoire? Or so fate?

- I think fate ordered so much. On the contrary, I really wanted to enter the Mossoveta Theater. There was a Zavadsky, a magnificent troupe, delightful sphektkli, and I wanted to go there. But I remember very well when someone from the old people told me: "You are invited to a small theater, and you think? Immediately! This is the Imperial Theater, the best thing is. And I went. I also advise not with anyone. If I had a dad, he could tell me something. And so - it was necessary to stuff the forehead and cones on their own experience. And I thank the Lord God for what came to the Small Theater, because he really turned out to be my home. When I had the opportunity to go to the art tetre, where Efremov invited me, I refused and was right.

- In addition to work, what else do you find strength? What is the source of energy for you?

- In sports. I would love to play football right now, in my tennis, everything Item me right. But I can't, since I work until the evening. Here, however, today I had a shooting from 12 o'clock, and I allowed myself to run away in the morning, got great pleasure.

For many years, the actor is fond of growing roses. At the cottage, he has a large collection of varieties brought from everywhere. Photo: Sergey Ivanov.

For many years, the actor is fond of growing roses. At the cottage, he has a large collection of varieties brought from everywhere. Photo: Sergey Ivanov.

- Sports activities are your personal initiative, or does the spouse inspire you, a professional athlete?

- No, no, I myself. Almost all professor athletes hate sports. (Laughs.) I have always been very friendly with sports, and when I have the opportunity, I start running, stretching, I swing. I played for many years for the national team of Moscow artists, for the national team of the Small Theater, was a very long football captain. I am a gambling man, I love competitions. True, the whole is already broken, so when it all starts to hurt, you think: why was this sport at all needed? (Laughs.)

- What else speaks of your male character, in addition to Azart? Do you like cars? ..

- Yes, I love the car very much. I bought myself a first car immediately after the "Three Musketeers". She took half, but bought, to such an extent I wanted to feel myself driving. I felt that a car was needed for a man: she collects it, concentrates. I love beautiful, expensive cars. But drive - no, I'm careful man.

- Boris Vladimirovich, if you return to age - what did you understand about yourself by 70 years? What features noticed in the character, without which you would not take place?

- I realized that I am a decent person, and very many people with me easily. I never climb into a friendly relationship, careful and I believe in human harmony. Since I am cancer on the zodiac, I really like to just sit in some corner and read. For me it is just a fairy tale. Even when I come to the company to friends, I pull out myself some kind of little book and pour it into it. All this knows, and no one ever touches me. I realized that you never need to fuss, you do not need to lie. Better saying, but do not like, because you will definitely confuse, and the lies will then be sure to appear. I realized that I was a reliable person when people seek me for help, I always try to help. I realized that I was a strong man. Moreover, when I feel bad, I get even more angry, so it doesn't turn out to turn my ridge at all. My favorite wrister Hamingway has a wonderful expression: you can kill a person, but you can not win. I am a supporter of this approach. I still have a romantic left in my soul, but thoroughly hide it. Estet - I love everything beautiful. At one time I collected the paintings, ancient things, I really liked it. I love to dress well.

- And something special would like to get on the anniversary? Or is it all?

- Well, something may be the original. (Laughs.) But, honestly, I have already embalted all my joy. All that I did not have in my youth, but I really wanted to have, I already have. Therefore, we just gather the company with my close friends, classmates, relatives, sit, let's drink, talk and disperse.

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