Jigan: "My wife and I bring up children with your example"


Rapper Jigan and his wife Oksana for six years. They raise two daughters, and a new replenishment is coming in the family in the family. The floor of the future child parents are still kept secret. Nevertheless, Jigan told WomanHit about how his family lives on the eve of an important event ...

- Denis, your spouse will soon give you another child, but it does not prevent her from leading a very active lifestyle. They say that you have recently returned from a big journey ...

- I want to say that we accepted the decision on the trip only after the consent of doctors to the far flights. Oksana feels well and really leads an active lifestyle. We rested the whole family in Miami, then in a cruise in the Caribbean Sea. We spent several days on the Bahamas that we love very much and attend not the first year. For children, it was a stunning journey with the sea of ​​impressions. Sun, sport. Also, parents were rested with us, who were also delighted with rest. And on the bugs I remembered my childhood, jumping through gigantic waves. I remember how in my childhood I was always waiting for autumn to come big waves, then I lived specifically in a house at the grandfather at the sea. Well, while the house did not wash the wave ... In general, it was an amazing journey: almost a single incident that happens very rarely, because especially children would like to study something on vacation. (Laughs.)

- Are you ready to get the Father for the third time? Do you worry or have already got used to?

- Of course, there are experiences, as well as from any normal man, before such an important event. Not the same as for the first time, but, of course, I feel the thrill and excitement. I remember that during the first pregnancy of Oksana we were very worried, thought I could handle or not. Then I was so worried that I did not wait, when Oksana gives birth, and fell asleep. I woke up from Esemace, in which it was written that she was already born. (Smiles.)

In the family, the two daughters are already growing and oxana

In the family, the two daughters are already growing and oxana

Photo: Instagram.com.

- How did you prepare for the appearance of children? Did you read any books on education?

- Admitted honestly until I read books on education. My wife and I bring them up with your example. And it seems to cope not bad. But, of course, I can confess that the most difficult in raising children is to give them more time. With my tight touring schedule it is very difficult. We have a modern family. My wife is also a very tight schedule, but we try. For example, I can take the older Ariella in the kindergarten, if there are no filming in the morning, or Oksana takes off. We can go together. Or pick up the child in the evening from kindergarten together. I love to sleep with my wife very much with my wife.

- Jigan strict dad?

- Of course not. Girls are enough to say "daddy, I love you" - and that's it. I literally tale. (Smiles.) And I can not but pamper children. With the tour always try to bring something to them.

- Rapper, athlete and kind dad ... For many, this is a very unusual combination ...

- In my opinion, it does not contradict each other. My family always inspired me to work. And the sport attached strength and confidence.

And this spring will appear the third child of spouses

And this spring will appear the third child of spouses

Photo: Instagram.com.

- Which characters went daughters?

- My daughters are very different. Senior more calm due to age. Junior Leia - Hurricane. But it already understands that it is possible, and what can not, and listens to the dad. Both girls grow creative. Senior, for example, starred in my video. Also, the eldest is engaged in English with a tutor. Plus we instill both daughters taste for good music. I do not know who they will grow up, but most importantly, to grow good people.

- Is your wife Oksana engaged only by raising children or has it have any professional classes?

- Oksana - designer of clothing, including children. She has several stores. She is also a creative person, as you can see, and therefore we understand each other very well.

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