5 jeans washing rules


Rule number 1

It is preferable to erase the products made of denim with hands, this is the most delicate method of purification.

Do not use powder

Do not use powder


Rule number 2.

Wash better in the bath, and not in the pelvis: it allows you to fully straighten jeans when soaking and washing. The fabric will not leave the chances, folds and stains.

Jeans have long ceased to be men's work clothes

Jeans have long ceased to be men's work clothes


Rule number 3.

Magnify jeans no longer than an hour. To secure the color, add 1 glass of vinegar and 2 tbsp. l. Salt salt. Ingredients in a small amount of water before pouring into the water for washing.

Many consider sexual jeans

Many consider sexual jeans


Rule number 4.

Water should be no higher than 40 degrees, and better colder.

Denim all ages are submissive

Denim all ages are submissive


Rule number 5.

Forget about washing powder: it deprives the shine metal parts and is poorly washed out of the fabric. Take advantage of liquid tools for washing, shampoo or economic soap.

Frequent washing - harmful

Frequent washing - harmful


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