I want it: how to temper the child's requests for the New Year gifts


Good mothers know: the best way to stop "I want" your child is to turn off the TV. It is from advertising on children's channels "children draw ideas for New Year's gifts. Sometimes the Vish leaf reaches a dozen requests - how to do everything if the budget is limited? Tell how to teach a child to be moderate in his desires.

Know the price of money

From an early age, the baby needs to learn financial literacy. It should not only know the numbers, but also to understand that the purchase budget cannot be limitless. If the child does not go to school yet, it is possible to save it to save money earned by honest hard work for helping home or issued as pocket expenses. With children of elementary school age, you can spend an experiment - to offer a gathering basket for a certain amount. These practices will give children a real understanding of money, and not an abstract idea of ​​the infinite resources of parents.

Let the kid himself choose toys

Let the kid himself choose toys

Photo: unsplash.com.

Limit the sum

Agree with the child that he has a conditional amount, for example, 5000 rubles. It can spend her toys smoothly as he thinks - you can buy one big toy or a few small ones. As an explanation, you can say that otherwise Santa Claus does not have enough money on all guys, and someone can stay without a gift.

Turn off the TV

Modern children are increasingly watching Yutube. On it, too, there is an advertisement, the truth is our kids themselves turn off to see the favorite video. The TV also makes you the unwitting hostage of the advertising pause: until you view all the toys, you will not see the cartoon. Teach the child to use the computer to shorten the TV viewing time. It is a pity that the fashion for certain toys from Chad will not be skred - you still have to buy.

Give the joy to other children

Give the joy to other children

Photo: unsplash.com.

Learn to give

A lot of announcements on the collection of stationery and sweet gifts for children from low-income families appears before the New Year. Sometimes volunteers offer to give the kids from orphanages to go to the circus or on the performance. Acquire a child to a good cause: Offer him to choose gifts for other guys with you. Explain that not all children have the opportunity to buy everything that they push the finger. We think that this will force your child to think about whether he acts correctly, infinitely demanding new toys.

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