How to get along with a creative person


He is not the one who seems

It only seems to be that the well-known people have a life charge - 220 cases a day, which will never get bored with them. Nothing like this. As a rule, in life, these are people who love silence, even if during work around them sparkle lightning. A woman often expects from the novel Fireworks of emotions, and a man, if he is a creative person, all these emotions invest in their books, paintings, roles, projects. Therefore, the first advice: you will die to separate the image from a person, usually between these concepts are hidden by the abyss. And if you are not afraid not only to see it, but also accept, welcome to the world of harmonious relationships.


Creative people live for emotions: if someone perceives a kiss as a beautiful romantic move, then a person who feels this world on the tips of the fingers is looking for different states in a kiss. Kiss can symbolize love and loyalty, a sign of proximity or possession, treason or parting. The variety is ideal for the second advice. And in everything: in food, traveling, in plans, in kisses, in bed and even in views on each other.

Oleg Roy.

Oleg Roy.

Catch the moment

The future can be viewed with the financade and programmer. But not with the artist. Watch in the distance and mentally lead a creative person in the registry office, in the temple and in the maternity hospital, and then, on Saturdays, to visit mom - I don't care what to catch slippery fish. It is impossible. With him really live only one moment - "here and now." Probably, this is the meaning of life and the Third Council - not to build illusions, live in the present and when you look into the eyes of a person, think about these eyes.

Bad memory - not vice

Creative people have long thoughts, but short memory. From the head flies not only the color of the dress in which the beloved came for the first time on a date, but also her birthday. My advice is instead of a deadly offense and a point in the novel, it is still worth incorporating a trick and hinting about a gift that I would like to see in such a day in such a place.

A smile will save you

Without a sense of humor, no relationship exist beautifully and long. Gala would never live with Dali, if seriously perceived all his quirks. It is enough to remember the picture on which Dali depicted a naked wife with lamb chops on his shoulder and answered all the questions of reporters with a smile: "Everything is simple. I love Gulu and love brands chops. Here they are together. Gorgeous harmony! " All the fact that earthly people are hard to fit in the head, creative perceived easily and simply. Perceive the creativity of your beloved as himself.

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