Galina Bob: "The second child I gave birth literally in the car together with my subscribers!"


Actress Galina Bob is no longer the first time in life in situations that somehow occurred with her on the set. The star of the series "Deffchonki" has long been married and raised two children. Family well-being boasts her screen heroine Boblych. He met Galina and discussed the first love, acquaintance with a man dreams and childbirth in Instagram.

- Galina, the series traditionally occurs the mass of curious situations. And what was the most memorable on the shooting of the last season?

- The most memorable, of course, was the participation of my older son of Lion. I was very worried about this. He also played for him, and for himself, although the lion coped with the task just fine. I am proud of them. He removed so much a double as necessary, said what was needed, did not capricious. I watched the scene with his participation - it turned out very cool. So this moment has become the most iconic for me.

- In the plot, your heroines returned to Saratov, where they themselves come from. Have you ever been to this city?

- I am two or three times a year in Saratov. There my sister lives with my husband and children. Therefore, we try to get out of birthdays, some holidays. Time is usually carried out in family. In general, Saratov for me the second native city. First - Penza, where I come from. Well, the third - Moscow.

The actress brings up two sons: a three-year-old Lion and Andrei, who was marching and four months old

The actress brings up two sons: a three-year-old Lion and Andrei, who was marching and four months old

- Boblych meets the first love in Saratov - local hooligan. Do you remember your first love?

- Yes, my first love was at school, in the ninth grade. Until the eleventh grade, we met, walked, kept hands. By the way, everything was very chawful and in childish. We hid to kiss. And after I went to Moscow, in fact, everything ended.

- Can you tell you what is your ideal man? What qualities does he have to have to possess?

- The sense of humor is primarily. We must be on the same wave. My ideal is my husband! With all his positive qualities. (Smiles.)

- Many stars are recognized that it is not so easy to get acquainted with a man's dreams and then get married to popular people are not so easy. Do you remember how I got acquainted with Sergey?

- Of course I remember. It was on Casting to the Project "Deffchonki". Then we first saw each other. But we have a relationship with us a year after that, after the filming of the pilot and a couple of months after the start of the shooting of the series. At the time of dating, I was in a relationship and in general I was married, so I could not even assume that Sergey would be my husband and I face two children. Our relationship began somehow very sharply. At that time I broke up with my young man, and I wanted some new emotions. From Sergey, such tenderness, heat, proceeded. He conquered me with his just ingenious sense of humor. In general, it was not love at first sight. Our relationship did not start immediately.

- I heard that the shooting in the series was prophetic for you: you played pregnant, and then ourselves were in the position ...

- Yes this is true. It turned out that in my life everything was the same as my heroine was happening. And then I had a fool: I thought it was necessary to give birth to thirty years. And it seemed to me that the Boblych should also give birth. I very much asked the scripts about such a season finale, but they have hidden a scenario in every way, did not send the final series. When I read it, then literally burst out. It was very happy for his heroine. Well, two weeks after the filming, I learned what was pregnant. So everything came true with me.

Galina Bob with her husband, director Sergey Koryagin

Galina Bob with her husband, director Sergey Koryagin

- Remember the husband's reaction when they reported that you will have a child?

- Of course, he was delighted! I was frightened, even cried when I learned, from happiness and fear at the same time! What I wanted, it happened! And Seryoga rejoiced and reassured me (smiles), he had, rather, the usual reaction, ordinary joy. No one fainted and knees did not get up, as is often shown in films.

- And how did you have to regulate the shooting schedule, when it became known that you are waiting for a child?

- And I did not starred pregnant. So it all happened that I gave birth to two children in the interruptions between the filming just! At the same time, it was not necessary to specifically postpone the shooting process and wait for me. Everything happened by itself.

- However, without emergency situations, it was still not. I heard that during the first birth, you had a hijacked car ...

- It was a very interesting story. The fact that I had a cooked car, I learned from journalists. Already after childbirth on the second or third day, when my friends celebrated this event at home, I called the media representative, congratulated my son with the birth and asked about the stolen car. It put me in a dead end. I called my husband asked about the car, he replied that everything was in order. But then he still had to admit that the car was really stolen. And I did not say about it, so as not to upset me, God forbid milk will disappear. But, honestly, I was not very upset. Because at that time it was more important for me. After a while, of course, seeing the car on the road of the same brand and the colors thought: "Maybe my?!" The second births also passed not without adventure, because I gave birth literally in the car along with my subscribers in Instagram! The contractions began at home, and the cards showed nine bulls! My husband and I got into the car, violated in every possible way, hurried. In parallel, I shot a video and laid out them in instagram. My subscribers still remember that they "gave birth" with me. In the hospital we managed, and everything went wrong.

- Spouse attended childbirth? Not afraid?

- attended, both both times. To be honest, we somehow did not discuss this moment too much. I just asked him to be near, supported me. For the first time he had to sleep on a chair, it was not very convenient. For the second time I gave birth in more comfortable conditions, where collaboration is provided.

Galina Bob:

Part of the episodes of the new season of the series "Deffchonki" were filmed in Saratov. The main stars of the series Galina Bob, Anastasia Denisova (left) and Polina Maksimova (right) perfectly spent time on the Volga

- Well, of course, after such bright stories I can't help but ask your kids. Are they already showing character?

- My children are very different. Senior - Lev - He is such a professor, a scientist. Curious, interested. He himself may take himself, everything is interested in him. Andryukha is not like that, it needs to always entertain. I remember that Lev could just lie in the crib and calmly look at her fingers. Andrei needs attention and environment. But he is more open, emotional. He is an extrovert, while leva is more introvert.

- Are you a strict mom?

"I can flicken, but then I cries myself, I feel guilty." For male education, our dad is responsible, and I'm more for "scattering and pamping."

- How do you play with your "FINDER" Alexey Vorobyev? What partner is he?

"Lesha is very light, talented, charismatic, he knows how to create an atmosphere around himself, open, and it's easy to play with it. Exceptionally positive emotions from filming with him.

- And the real husband is not jealous when you are involved in scenes with kisses or hugs?

- Why jealous if he himself approved him for the role? No, not jealous. Yes, and I do not give a reason. This is my job, and playing different scenes.

- True, that the second half of your heroine, singer Zvonareva, is Sergei in honor of your real spouse?

- Yes it is. So my husband decided. He just wanted me more often in the frame called his name affectionately. SERIES! I call him so in my life. And he is affectionately - Bosya.

- If there is free time, how do you spend it?

- With family walk, rest. We can get out with her husband together in a cafe or park. As an assistant, we have a nanny.

- Are you romantic spouses? Do you like to arrange each other any beautiful surprise?

"I can cook a delicious dinner ... and Serena suddenly, without a reason to give a bouquet of flowers.

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