Dima Bilan and his wedding in the style of the 90s


Dima Bilan married ... And it did it very eccentric. The clip on the joint track of Bilan and Singers Polina "Drunk Love" can laugh, angry, inspire a controversy, in general, almost no chance of indifferent mine.

Lolita Milyavskaya is very convincing as an employee of the registry office, Natasha Koroleva is beautiful in the image of himself singing at the wedding, the raspberry jackets are very walking brothers, Anastasia Ivelev is more than reliably depicts a drunk girlfriend of the bride, and Julia Auga played an almost dramatic role of Mom's groom. All these stellar reincarnations are woven in the scenery of the provincial wedding of the nineties and are accompanied by everyone relevant in this situation by attributes - drunken, fight, trash and ugar.

It must be admitted that the director of Dasha Charis to a couple with a screenwriter Alexander Gudkov (this is directly involved in a ragwing, which is going on in the video on the song Philip Kirkorov "The color of the mood of blue") managed to make a true video host from the passing song. Something similar at one time happened with the most Kirkorov "color" and, apparently, it will be happening yet, because something like the next video language begins on music television. She began in his time Sergey Shnurov, when the "exhibit" and other sensational clips released. It was then that it became clear that the clip from the empty obligation, which he was the last ten years, turns into a very important project again. And now the original video selay on a potential hit is a way that is not just promotion, but also earnings on the views.

Does this mean that in the near future the entire Internet and tele-ester will fill out excellent clips? Being an optimist is a little interferes with a very careful attitude and musicians, and directors to a variety. If something becomes a reason for an excitement, then it immediately want to copy. Cut the sound, like the hits of the season, dress up as fashionable as possible and, of course, make a clip in the style, which is now taxis. In the latter case, we are talking about everything related to the ninety. This time clearly deprived the rest of the most different artists and directories. It is almost one day with the Bilan roller and Co. was published a clip for the song "90" from the new album of the "Coloring for adults". But if Dasha Charusha removes a dyed parody, then Mikhail Idov in full immerses the action of his roller in the scenery of the film "Brother", which in combination with a touching speech "In the nineties killed people / and all run absolutely naked / electricity was not all For jeans with Coca-Cole, "turns everything into a medium anecdote, which is given quite a lot of attention just because it was told by fashion.

In the meantime, Sergey Cers on the rights of the artist, who unleasted all this video source, clearly departed on the side and does not take any participation in the expanded battle of ambitions. The video for the song "I do not want to be a Muscovite", perhaps, and solves some tasks, but it does it so unobtrusive that you don't want to delve into the bottom at all. But who knows - maybe the cord has conceived something and in the near future will again become the first video meeting in our village.

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