Course up: Why and who needs trainings and marathons


For your shoulders ten schools and five university courses (and someone has four)? Perhaps you are a master or candidate of science? Discuss, today your diplomas, once valuable and important, lose certificates of numerous courses, trainings, marathons aimed at the "pumping" of everything - from love karma to a business grip. The popularity of self-development programs begins to scare - and makes you think: why and who needs all this? And it's not time to log in to sign up in the "Drumkruzh, a circle in the photo ..."?

Wisely assure: You must compare ourselves only with one person in the world - with yesterday's yourself. Do not waste time on envy, every new day dedicate to struggle and development, development and struggle. The call is definitely inspiring and beautiful, but the modern market provides so many different directions that the eyes literally run up, and the hands do not know for which they grab. Whether you urgently need to make the Chinese language, whether to stand on the path of the business coach, whether to proceed with the development of the fine art of seduction. So, how not to drown in the world of self-development? Start with the obvious - proceed to professional orientation.


1. Cognition. Do not hurry to rush to the Omut of trainings and courses with your head - try to clearly formulate your goal and understand your needs and needs. Only by defining the course, you can safely move forward, to the ideal.

2. Recognition. Admit finally, to yourself that the construction of business strategies and team management, let it and very beautifully sounds, - not yours, and the souls of the cutting courses and go. There is nothing shameful or funny. Follow the call of heart!

3. Choice. Come to the selection of trainings consciously and with a cold head. Read the reviews, go for the days of the open doors, pick yourself a mentor who will not just be an excellent professional, but also you will like it alone.

Pump everything

First of all, it is worth understanding why we need it. Here, everyone will immediately grow on themselves will immediately share for two large groups: those who need it for professional growth and career development, and wishing to become the best version of themselves exclusively perfection for the sake of.

The first choice when apparent wealth is small: need to improve the qualifications? Forward! Send a new skill? I ask you to! Need a language? Welcome to language courses. Tip: Even if you are not going to deal with specific translations, but you only want to conduct business negotiations at the proper level, still "take above" and stay in official schools and colleges that can give you an international certificate that will be quoted not only in the Russian market. This advice concerns those who need to study a foreign language just for the soul.

Professional retraining courses, so demanded now, should have good reviews and adequate cost. It is impossible for five days and the same thousand rubles to become a manicure master or browist (what to talk about the retraining of teachers or managers?). And so as not to become a storm, which will definitely pay twice, carefully select the courses whose certificate you have seen, for example, in the best salons and clinics.

Everything is much less clear with those programs and trainings that do not guarantee a specific professional result, but simply promise that you will become more successful, more beautiful and more fun than it was. We will tell about them in more detail.

Recognize charlatan

Money up front! He has no trial classes, it is possible to familiarize himself with the methodology, "round tables" or open discussions among participants. You pay the whole course immediately and entirely buying a cat in a bag. Do not do that.

He pours water without answering specific questions, giving blurred wording and discouraging with common phrases.

The presence of customers is a subtle moment: a beginner genius can be caught, who has not yet had the opportunity to work with a large number of people. And yet reviews of living people who had learning experience with a coach or coaching is an extra plus.

Success contrary to

Rising personal effectiveness, principles of leadership and disclosure of their potential, time-tailed skills and building self-confidence and own brand - what is it, if not a fairy tale? Today, from the "ordinary" person with the help of (where without it) professionals who reveal the secrets of accelerated "pumping" themselves, you can become almost a guru of communication, business and love.

Usually all trainings on

Usually all trainings for pumping themselves are implicated on elements of group or individual psychotherapy.


Usually all such trainings are mixed on elements of group or individual psychotherapy, the purpose of which becomes to identify your weaknesses. It would seem that they revealed - and work! And here the first danger lies: the fact is that all trainings and courses are sharpened under people, initially in themselves doubting, not confident in their own resources and forces. Such a client is a find for the market for the development of the personality: coming out of one tutorial, he will absolutely definitely go to another - and not because I realized that there is no limit to perfection, but because it was assured: such as he still learn and learn . It is important to tell yourself the "stop" and try to understand what exactly you want to achieve. This can help various techniques, from independent meditations to the session with a coach, which will help you to direct you in the right direction. Do not try to cover everything and immediately, in a rapid flow of continuous development you need to enter gradually.

First of all, find out and accept your personal features. Here work perfectly work (but, of course averaged) tests for the types of personality like the typology of Myers-Briggs (famous MBTI) or Leongard test. Deciphering is better to trust psychoanalyst, but it is possible to cope and independently. Do not perceive the results as a signed diagnosis, these tests are needed in order to determine and take their strengths and learn how to live with weakness - do not confuse yourself for them, but to understand why in one or another situation you react as you react. It often happens that an indecisive and quiet man is frustrated, which can not be embarrassed into the leaders, and begins to "develop" decisiveness to "develop". While it was important not to rape their nature, but try to work with your asset - for example, hardworking, scrupulousness, the ability to notice the little things and details, passion for accuracy and order. The error of such a "Tihoni" lies in a stubborn desire to be an effective leader (and the courses and trainings promised!) With a stubborn reluctance, strengthen their natural unique and important features.

So let's accept the fact that personal growth and development in the key in which their modern market understands is not always what we need specifically. Often, infinite participation in trainings and seminars has a bear service: a person in constant search for the best version is lost, dissolves and misses these moments that would cost to appreciate here and now. The image of a business woman or a successful entrepreneur on an expensive foreign car is attractive, but not all dear, and sometimes just imposed on us. The template appeals tune in to success and think positively today is annoying, rather than charge and help to catch the wave of enthusiasm.

Professional retraining courses, so in demand now, should have good reviews and adequate cost.

Professional retraining courses, so in demand now, should have good reviews and adequate cost.


Where to continue to those who did not want to become a business guru and a fundamental personality?

And everyone runs, run, run ...

The world of social networks has opened the entrance to the parallel universe - the Universe of Marathons (a set of certain tasks that must be completed for a certain period), Challenge and other functions for every taste and wallet. With instagram mentors you can lose weight, learn to sing, stove pp-cakes, master the fake lifting basins with your own hands and understand how to draw with the help of the right hemisphere of the brain. Among the frighteningly large number of proposals there are especially interesting.

A solid place is occupied by various semptings, and many of them are really helpful. Alas, but the sex clearance in our country is not yet in honor - and they are engaged exclusively bloggers exclusively on the Internet. Down with Hubbees and skepticism: among the coaches on the intimate life of life there are real psychiatrists who are practicing sexology and supervising effective programs. If you are not ready to buy a cat in a bag, you can subscribe to your mentor you like and watch it for its network activity. Often, in addition to paid content, bloggers provide a lot of curious and useful publicly available information.

With the intimate sphere, everything is fine, but love is not located, and the couple does not develop? And your request will have craftsmen who will tell how to properly ask for men in men, what needs to be dressing to lure the narrowed, as competently flirt and go to the first date. "The science of gentle passion" can do to you in a round sum, but those who want to get cherished knowledge at any cost does not decrease, but the demand, as we know, gives rise to a proposal. According to the editorial office, it is much better to invest in a massage course, a visit to Latin American dances with a sensual partner and several classes on bodily-oriented psychology. The rule, which is not necessary to forget: Love yourself - and the rest will love you.

Culinary literacy courses, cutters and sewing in the past, it is worth recognizing. But even sexual training training remains far behind when it comes to ... Programs for the preparation of real witches. If it did not work if it did not work, and I could not help the business guru, they enter the game - the schools of magic and witchcraft. Yes, yes, you absolutely do not need to be Harry Potter and receive a letter to the owl mail, today everything is easier: the witness secrets are available to everyone, for a fee, of course.

In large cities there are special stores where everything for the students who joined the magic path are sold. Dried chicken legs? Rabbit tails? Zhabia Eyes? Here you can buy anything to accomplish the necessary rituals, charge the stones for success and attractiveness and, of course, to cook the probationary potion. Without a special certificate that you are a witch and have passed the course of study by the ancient secrets and secrets, nor the gowns will not work.

In general, it is possible to risk - without excess sarcasm and cynicism. Trust your intuition (or by a little witch?), Given the feeling, give way to a strange desire and learn to finally draw with the help of the souls, and not a brush (yes, there is such a thing!). Stop perceiving trainings, programs, seminars, master classes like something mandatory, necessary, without which we will definitely not be able to become the best version of yourself, but just to think and curb. Speak that teach me a throat singing for three days? Strong that after the week of your intensive, I will become a goddess of massage and can conquer men of one left? I'm ready! In the end, what the hell is not joking?

Learn, learn and study again - the lesson is noble and grateful, but sometimes exhausting and (oh, horror!) Sometimes even unnecessary. Do not seek goodness from good, because you will die to love and take yourself as you are. And the development of letting it only enjoy and joy. Remember: even at schoolchildren, whose main type of activity is the sharpness of the granite of science, there are holidays. In pursuit of ideal, do not forget that you need a vacation. Learn from leisurely scandins who persistently offer to relax and exhale, creating whole philosophical systems of Noschena (remember at least Niksen and Hyugge). The end of the year is nearing, and therefore it's time to pause and let go of the will. Self-development will definitely wait until the next school season. Holiday greetings!

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