Bloom and Bieber came up because of Miranda Kerr


In the foreign media, information appeared that the 20-year-old singer Justin Bieber came up with a 37-year actor Orlando Bloom. It happened in Ibiza, in the restaurant Cipriani, writes The Daily Mirror. Allegedly the star of the trilogy "Lord of the Rings", seeing in the institution of a popular artist, literally attacked him with his fists. Further, secular chronicles diverge in versions: whether Bieber missed himself in response to Bloom's blow, or he did not want to answer him at all. One way or another, the gossips agree on the cause of the fight between the two celebrities, as it usually happens in such situations, a woman. Namely: ex-spouse Orlando Bloom, 31-year-old model Miranda Kerr.

At the same time, the conflict between Orlando and Justin was continued. Bieber, offended by the amendment, decided to take revenge on him not directly, but a sophisticated. The famous executive published a photo of Miranda Kerr in his official page in the social network Instagram in the seductive orange bikini. He made it literally a few hours after heating with her ex-spouse. The singer did not sign the photo, but published the crown icon - exactly the one that is twisted on his chest. However, Bieber has soon removed the cherished picture, but the ear journalists have already managed to assume that the model and Pop-Wunderkind binds something more than friendship.

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