4 phrases that can not tell the child during hysteria


Each parent is sooner or later faced with children's hysteria, let his kid and the most calm in the world. What to do when the child is poured by tears, and in a public place, they know a few, the most special difficulties experience young moms and dads. Very often in attempts to reassure the child, parents are doing even worse, we will tell what phrases are banned for any parent.

"Stop shouting, otherwise you will get!"

Yes, this phrase comes to the head of most parents when you drag a resting and screaming child in the shopping center for 15 minutes. However, this does not mean that it needs to be voiced. It will not be easier for any or your child. Try to find a quiet place where there are not so many people, and try to find out the reason for such behavior of the baby, after that, as a rule, it is much easier to come to an agreement with your own child.

"How do you get tired!"

Just put yourself in the place of the child: you are upset, look for support from a loved one, and he is dismissed from you. Agree, pleasant little, especially if you are a very small person with a faded psyche. For a child, there is nothing worse than hearing that his parent is ready to refuse him.

"Will yell, I will give you to that uncle"

And again you are trying to "refuse" from your child, ignore his problems. A little man is not so easy to express all the feelings that are overwhelmed by his age. You, as an adult, should understand this, and do not give up solving the problems of your own child. Who else will help him?

"You're a boy / girl!"

What does the expression of feelings have to choose a child? Yes, many parents are addicted to the opinions of others, as the majority of mommies leads a strangest struggle for the title of "Best Mom of the Local Playground". However, everything you should think about is the mental state of your child, and not what your girlfriends will tell with other children. Let the child express emotions if he cannot keep them in himself. The ban on the expression of feelings leads, as a rule, to serious disorders.

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