The easiest way to communicate with men


All ingenious simply. And the most faithful way to be heard, understood and satisfied is also simple. And he sounds like this: "Say words from the mouth."

Girls, I urge everyone to take this brilliant breath with you in the New Year.

If something you want - tell me.

This is the easiest way to get the desired. Starting from the gift and ending with the man.

Often women unconsciously believe that their men telepaths. They must read their thoughts and guess their desires. Especially our female expectations are exacerbated before the New Year. And we, accordingly, we are waiting for the exacerbation of telepathic abilities from our men. We hope that our man himself guesses what we want to get as a gift, and at the same time will fall "in the apple." However, dreaming about a gift is worth considering the features of male thinking.

Evgenia Ghanev

Evgenia Ghanev

Photo: @Evgeniya_Ganeva_Coach

Men's brain is not sharpened to determine needs.

That is why men are not very capable of resting the houses of the comfort, and go to the store with a list. Even on your own needs, a man is rarely thinking. What can we talk about the needs of his loved ones?

Woman thinks about the needs. And the man is looking for means to meet these needs.

These features of thinking are laid by nature. So it was, there will be.

Therefore, it is easier to accept and accept the expectations every time, which is hardly destined to come true. And then offended and try to raise a subtle flair in a man. Instead, it is better to hint very transparently, which miracle you expect as a gift. And even more reliable - to say straight. "Words from the mouth."

Yes, the effect of surprise in this case is missing, but there is a guarantee that you will be pleased.

Long live predictability!

If you don't like something - also tell me.

This is the easiest way to avoid conflict.

Most problems solve a simple frank conversation. I am ready to repeat it again and again. Most problems solve a simple frank conversation.

I would even say that if we immediately tell a man about our feelings - then many problems would not even have any problems.

The fact is, the man and women are largely different (and sometimes even opposite) needs. For example, a man is more important freedom, and a woman is safety. It is also conceived by nature: a man and a woman and should not be similar, they must complement each other. Therefore, most often, a man has no idea that his behavior can upset or offend you.

But even understanding this, many women prefer to endure, and not talk. Why?

It's all about insecurity and in fear to be abandoned.

Most often, those women who are accustomed to tolerate, and not speak, subconsciously think like this: "If I openly talk to a unpleasant man the topic and call things with my own names - I will become a man not comfortable, and he will throw me."

In fact, men are very valued in women openness and clarity. It greatly saves time and nerves. Remember that men are very practical.

Long live clarity!

If you like something - all the more Say.

With each convenient case, it is worth noting male achievements and thank for it. Energy of gratitude is a very strong and steep thing. The feeling of gratitude to the heat is bottled on the body and pleasantly tickles inside. So why not share such pleasant sensations with your man?

Men are distinguished by a great pride, and women's praise and gratitude - the best way is the pride to fue. In turn, male pride feeding is the easiest way to motivate a man!

So if you feel gratitude to your man, even for something very insignificant - be sure to tell him about it. And it is possible and more than once. It will not be superfluous. But he will want to please you more and more.

And if not, see paragraphs 1 and 2.

Long live gratitude!

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