Poor mood is normal!


It all started with a short conversation at refueling with a friend. He asked how it was, and I responded in a habit that I was fine as always. "It only happens in very stupid people," was his answer, which, in general, and served as an impetus for reflection.

If you admit honestly, poor mood, uncertainty in tomorrow and the state of light panic is what we face daily. However, no one wants to confess to himself, and even more so others that something in life is not so much. Well, indeed, show me someone who joyfully and colorfully describe your failures and problems when they speak only about personal achievements around? It became unlikely to complain, but without a demonstration, such a "ideal life" in the 21st century could not do. And on the one hand, it's great, because it is pleasant to realize that you are surrounded by happy people, and not working in the problems of peers. But it is precisely the unwillingness to take its current state gives rise to much more serious problems.

You noticed that there are many articles on the topic "How to get rid of bad mood", "overcome sadness", etc. At the same time, I did not meet the material, where they would advise you to take what happens inside the processes and give yourself the opportunity to relax from the fight against them . In any case, I do not call for depression and enjoy it. Moreover, due to its natural optimism, I myself rarely admit negative thoughts, but it does not prevent me from putting up with internal experiences. Loosen your personal control and allow yourself to feel what you want your body, and not that allegedly will be appropriate. For example, in childhood, we did not laugh when we wanted to cry?

Vladislav Makarchuk believes that you need to learn how to take your bad mood - then it will improve faster

Vladislav Makarchuk believes that you need to learn how to take your bad mood - then it will improve faster

The body is fine and extremely susceptible. If we will suppress some feeling for a long time, then in the future it will certainly give himself a felt, and he also throws someone's explosive wave. Just imagine that you really want a small piece of cake, but the diet says that the flour is a cunning enemy number one. Suppose, a couple of days or even weeks you are stubbornly avoid confectionery, but at the same time you "wake up" everything in the cake and do not understand how they eaten it entirely. And now tell me what is better: to afford a piece of delicacy or die after you eaten it entirely? I lead to the fact that if you want to cry, shout (not on others, naturally; in proud loneliness, on an inanimate subject, for example), pop up a stool (just carefully, please), then do it rather. Do not be afraid of your feelings and emotions, learn how to take them, and then you will understand how to cope with them.

A person must admit to himself that he has a bad mood or an unsuccessful day. He must learn to take the fact that he can not always be smooth. Thanks to this, at the moments when excesses happen, it is much easier to survive them. It is after the "adoption" of the problem, our brain begins to look for ways to solve it. In the event that you will deny the "bad mood", it is unlikely that this state will change.

I do not suggest complaining to others, call among the night to friends and boring snap-on stories. I'm trying to convince you that you need to learn to feel your mood. Someone sounds simple, yes? Believe me, I know how bad it is to take my thoughts. Allow yourself to feel what I want this minute - exciting, but in some places a very painful attraction. Weakening the control of emotions, you will definitely feel the smallest change in the mood and eventually understand that it is not so "dangerous." I believe that pretending does not lead to anything good and does not make us better / stronger / despicable in the eyes of others. In addition, to be deceived in their emotions all their lives, you will not work anyway (this is no case a challenge!), Therefore, it is better to start listening to your inner state.

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