5 myths about proper nutrition


Myth number 1.

Brown sugar is useful than white, we think. But scientists were calculated that in it even one kilocaloria more than in the usual, the difference is only in taste. If you decide to lose weight, it is better to abandon sweet at all.

Instead of sugar, use honey

Instead of sugar, use honey


Myth number 2.

Breakfast - the main meal. The habit of eating porridge is not useful in the morning. A diet of the packaged oatmeal will lead to a weight set, because there are too many carbohydrates in it. In the finished product, manufacturers love to add berries and sweeteners, which increases the number of calories.

Prepare porridge sama

Prepare porridge sama


Myth number 3.

Highly overvalued by homemade nutrition nutrition nutrition. To combat extra kilograms, products must be grown in a clean environment without chemical processing. And, of course, it is nice to choose those that are suitable for you. Someone loses and on potatoes, and the other does not fit tomatoes.

Not all vegetables are useful

Not all vegetables are useful


Myth number 4.

We all heard about the benefits of olive oil, but it is greatly exaggerated. Yes, it contains vitamin K, iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, but in very small quantities.

The benefits of olive oil is exaggerated

The benefits of olive oil is exaggerated


Myth number 5.

It is necessary to eat a non-fascinated milk. For example, kefir buy 1%. However, scientists came to the conclusion that it is incorrect. In the course of experiments and observations, it was found that the consumption of fatty dairy products is not associated with an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases and even reduces the risk of obesity.

Do not be afraid of dairy products

Do not be afraid of dairy products


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