Horoscope for September: do not rob in front of difficulties



In September, you will want to become a truth altruist and rush to the revenue almost the first oncoming. And this, of course, a good desire, but try not to move the border: in pursuit of beautiful actions it is easy to forget about yourself.


The horoscope recommends that the calves be restrained in the manifestation of feelings and not to make speaking solutions - the surroundings may not be misunderstood. Do not commit sharp jerks: now it is much more useful to sail downstream, and not against him.


You will have to prove your professionalism not only in words - the bosses are waiting for the actions from you. In personal life is possible disappointment, but it is not worth a despair. Admit themselves that mentally you have been ready for dramatous changes long ago.


A month does not promise to be cloudless - you will have to go through difficult times. Emotional bursts may well result in depression. Your excellent sense of humor and supporting faithful friends will help the winner of the current situation.

a lion

Any little thing can cause an unexpected explosion of emotions. It will be worthwhile to train an excerpt and not leading to provocations, and even their fate promises you in excess. It seems that everyone has conspited and just dream of bringing you out of themselves. Keep the defense!


Stop being for all support and support. Think: if friends only merge the negative on you, do you need such relationships? The help is good only when it does not go against your personal plans and desires, and you are about them, it seems completely forgotten.


It's time to remember that you are an optimist in life, then the autumn Kandra does not threaten you. Especially since life is preparing positive changes: new acquaintances will have invaluable assistance in affairs, and your half will present an unexpected, but very nice gift.


It seems to you that all difficulties are overcome and there is no longer an obstacle on the way, but this feeling is deceptive. Even if energy overflows, one hundred times think about your steps. Otherwise, you will not notice how you will become easy prey for those who have identified themselves the same goals.


At the beginning of the autumn you yourself will be surprised how much energy you have accumulated. Just do not waste her invested! It is better to make a better aim to actively and profitable work or finally find a satellite or life companions. Now a great time for bold ideas.


We will have to tighten the belt: the troubles are pursued on all fronts. Stars say that neither in love, nor in finance glimpses will not be. But you should not lose heart, after a couple of months everything is normalized, so you can safely run away from the problems of the city.


Aquarius should be planned: Affairs has accumulated so much that you can easily forget about friends and loved ones. Try to carve them at least a little time in our tight chart, so that then you did not have to push forgiveness for weeks.


Stars assure that you will have to solve even those problems that have come across over the years. And make it easy and easy. Good luck favors you and in a professional plan: the main thing is not to be lazy and confidently take on new projects.

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