How to keep your teeth healthy


Healthy teeth are not only a testimony of how well we care for them, but also our "companion" for life, therefore, they deserve the responsible relationship, daily attention and care.

The choice of hygiene facilities of the oral cavity is great and related to certain medical testimony. The means of individual hygiene of the oral cavity include:

-Sube powders;

-Ged pastes;


- Combined elixirs.

The best way to care for the oral cavity has always been and remains cleaning paste 2 times a day and rinse after each meal. In addition to manual and automatic brushes, differ in hardness: ultrasound, soft, medium stiffness, hard, ultra-suite.

Factors affecting the condition and have a detrimental effect on the teeth:

- Food. Sugar in any form, products with increased acidity (sour lollipops, juices, some varieties of apples, oranges), popcorn, simple carbohydrates, coffee - all these products are adversely acting on enamel and get involved in them;

-Forny or improper cleaning. Use a toothbrush or thread preferably after each meal;

-Preat and alcohol. Cigarettes spoil enamel, giving her a yellowish tint. With too frequent, smoking there is a breakdown of blood circulation of vessels, the gums are inflamed and begin to bleed, periodontosis risk occurs. Alcoholic beverages contribute to the formation of a dental stone.

How often do you need to visit the dentist?

The answer to this question depends on the state of the teeth. A visit to the dentist will help prevent the occurrence of such dental diseases such as caries, sensitive dentin, endemic fluorosis, a change in the color of the teeth, hyperplasia, flux. If the teeth are healthy, enough two visits per year. With the presence of the disease - no less often than once every three months. Preventive inspection, as a rule, does not take much time. After an inspection of the oral cavity, the doctor may assign additional surveys or will offer the patient a professional cleaning of teeth ultrasound. This painless procedure allows not only to remove the flare, but also ideally align the surface of the teeth.

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