Andorra: Ski Paradise or Shopaholic Dream?


Monumental, almost sheer, sacred slopes, giving a chance to the sun to illuminate valleys and gorge only a few hours a day - that's what Pyrenees are. And nevertheless, the Principality of Andorra, which is conveniently located in the hollows of the Mountains, is considered paradise for skiers. After all, all this small country, the size of only 468 square kilometers (for example, Moscow has an area of ​​2561 square meters. Km), - in essence, one solid ski resort.

Andorra is clamped between Spain and France. The state is small, but who owns invaluable wealth: in fact, all Eastern Pyrenees are at the disposal of this country. Mountains - its main resource, and Andorra uses it to the maximum.

As the avid tourists are joking, the capital of the country - Andorra La Velia is a big supermarket. And this is true, as the principality is an offshore, taxes on business here are meager. And from Spain, from France and from other European countries, without surcharges, and from other European countries. Long Central Street Andorra La Veli is a chain of shopping malls, boutiques, cafes and hotels. And at the entrance to the city there is a huge multi-storey hypermarket of food products. Under some cheeses there is a whole floor. In total, in Andorra more than 2,000 different markets.

However, the rest of the country's territory is flowing one to another ski resorts. Valley are given to hotels and tour centers, slopes - under the tracks and lifts. Despite the fact that the territory is meager, it has about a dozen zones of skating, combined into two major systems with fabulous names - Vallnord and Grandvalira.

The Grandvalira zone is located in the northeast of the capital of Andorra and includes the resorts of Soldeu, Pass-de-la-Casa, El Tathers, Grau Roche and Canillo. Wallrord is located in the north-west and consists of the resorts of Arkalis, Ordino, Pal, Arinsal.

Newcomers should be brought around to the resorts of Pal and Arinsal, which are actually combined into one zone zone, since the distance between the slopes is just a few kilometers, and they are connected to the cable car. The ski slopes here are located on the gentle slopes of the valley. But they are wide and long, which is just good for beginners. However, there are rocky areas for extreme lovers, as well as riding zones for freeriders.

For the skiers of the middle level of skiing is good Zone Soldeu - El Tatrter. Here are 90 km of tracks, most of which go through the picturesque forest area: 11 - green, 11 - red and 11-Horses. And the × 23 tracks - blue, for beginners. This resort love tourists with children, because there are not only skiing schools, but even kindergartens and snow nursery. Solde is also famous for its freestyle park - with a different level of complexity, runs for Mogul and Border Cross.

This little country is essentially one solid ski resort

This little country is essentially one solid ski resort


For lovers of complex tracks, the resort Paz de La-Casa is suitable. This is the highest riding zone (at an altitude of 2050-2640 m above sea level), which includes 186 km of tracks. Most of them are red (23) and black (13). It also has its own snow park - with series of springboards, figures for Dzhiba and a half-pay long 40 meters.

Where to stay

Since the whole road from the end to the end of the principality occupies an hour, skiers can settle where they like them. And to the place of skiing - to get on buses that go regularly. Some, for example, prefer and settle in Andorra-La Wastie at all, because there is a lively evening life, a lot of cafes and shops. True, hotels in the capital are more and more urban. These are very cute hotels in the ancient Catalan style - from a gray weathered stone, with narrow stairs, elevators, more like an old cabinet, huge stone fireplaces in the lobby ... Very atmospheric, but with skiing and snowboarding it is uncomfortable in them. Yes, and the rooms are small here.

True, closer to the slopes, on the streets, parallel to the central highway, there are quite modern hotels from glass and concrete - with many elevators, extensive rooms, wide terraces leaving for a mountain river. Prices vary from 70 to ... 700 euros per night. Yes, there are in Andorra-La Wifly and such hotels. For example, the "art hotel", the prices in which are very biting, three times the cost of living in a five-star hotel on the next street. But for exclusive design some are ready to pay.

Although most skiers need another - the proximity of the slopes and lifts. Therefore, they still prefer to live in villages near the resorts. Fortunately from any of them, if necessary, you can get to the capital minutes for twenty. For example, tourists who choose the highways of Grau-Roche, prefer to settle in Escaldes village. From him hand to send to the capital, but life is more comfortable, because hotels are specialized. Some in the rooms have even "Speeds" for skis. In addition, there are thermal sources in Escaldess, good restaurants.

Tourists who choose to ride the zone fell and Arinsal, prefer to stop in the town of La Massana, in which there are not only cozy hotels, but also a casino, nightclubs, museums, bars and discos. And the skiers who chose the resorts of El Tarter and Solde, often choose to accommodate the town of Canillo. In these villages, life is brighter than directly at the foot of the slopes. And with rope and buses and buses with riding zones. Prices in ski hotels fluctuate from 110 to 200 euros for a double room per night.

Skipasy in Grandwallir and Vallnord will cost 232 euros for 6 days.

What to see?

Andorra is a country tiny, but ancient. And, as in every ancient European state, there are its famous castles in it. Andorra-la-Vella can boast the presence of a citadel built as in the IX-XII century. D'Ecklar castle towers on a hill at an altitude of 1126 meters. Powerful walls isolated from rough stone, narrow bobbits-windows ... It's amazing that this is not a military structure at all, but in fact a family residence. Lived in the castle of the Dynasty of Urkhel Counts. Towers and chambers were rebuilt many times and lived to this day in excellent condition. What you can not say about interior items. However, in those museum exhibits, which are exhibited in cold stone halls, you can get an idea of ​​the life and the owners of the castle.

The capital of Andorra - Andorra La Vella is a big supermarket

The capital of Andorra - Andorra La Vella is a big supermarket


Another famous Andorran Castle - Casa de la Vall - is located in the old quarter of the capital. In fact, this stone house built in the style of ancient Catalan architecture is not a castle at all, but the manor. It was built by a noble family budget at the beginning of the XVI century. In 1702, by decision of the land council, the castle passed to the property of the parliament, who meets in it to this day. In this case, part of the building is open for excursions. Tourists can see the hall of the General Council and the kitchen with utensils. The castle is also located the Filatelist Museum.

Not far from the "Dolin House" (so translates Casa de la Val) there is another interesting vintage house - the castle of Seth Panis, or the "chest behind the seven locks". In this severe stone building with small windows kept important state documents. And the doors of this castle could be opened only by the seven keys that were in the hands of the representatives of the capital of the capital. In order to get into the storage, they all had to get together.

But not only the antiquities of the famous Andorra-la-Velia. At the entrance to the city, the look rises on the huge glass "iceberg", towering over the roofs of old houses. This Caldea is the largest thermal center in Europe. Tens of saunas, balneological baths, water recreation pools, jacuzzi, and restaurants, shops and entertainment centers are located on a solid transparent roof. Wellness of the center's wellness procedures are carried out on the basis of the unique thermal water of Escaldez-Engordan, which is characterized by a high content of sulfur, sulfates, potassium, magnesium and numerous minerals, which in the complex serve as painful, antihistamine and healing means. In the thermal source of Escaldes, the water temperature reaches 70 degrees. In the pools of the thermal center, it varies from moderately cool to hot - within × 42 degrees. The five-hour visiting center will cost 35 euros. At night, the price is reduced to 28 euros.

Where to eat?

On the one hand, Andorra reappeats Spain, and for the most part - Catalonia. On the other hand, it rests on France. Therefore, it's not surprising that in one cafe Andorra-la-Velia can speak French and offer to drink a cup of French coffee with Croissant, and in the neighboring you will meet with a Spanish greeting and offer an acute Catalan sausage on the grill. In general, experts note that in Andorra, it is necessary to try national Catalan dishes - they are extremely tasty here. And with local cuisine it is best to get acquainted in establishments, in the title of which the component Borda is present. For example, Borda de L'Avi cafe, Borda Rauvert, Borda Estevet, Restaurant Borda Patxeta. They always have dishes of national cuisine. Butifarra and Bringuera sausages are very tasty. For gourmet, these sausages are part of the La Parillada meat meat dish, in which turkey, veal, pork, rabbit and sausages are collected. From the ribs, the lamb prepares a delicious dish called "Tea" (XAI). Lovers of the delights need to try the snails "La Parilla" or "La Launa" - they are in acute sauce. Andorran analogue of Lasagna is very popular, but with Liver or Trout. And even congestion is talking about the local Tupi cheese, which is maintained in ceramic dishes. From confectionery, they advise to try the Redraft Pie with the addition of Roma and lemon zest. Prices in Cafe and Restaurants Andorra are not the lowest in Europe. For example, lunch or dinner in a restaurant for two and with alcohol will cost 50-60 euros. And the gatherings in the cafe are 10-15 euros.

As for bringing from Andorra as a gift, the question is not worth it. As already mentioned, the princess is one big duty free shop. Therefore, you can bring everything from there: from the technique, ending with branded things and food delicacies.

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