How to deal with summer pigmentation


Pigmentation is a common manifestation of photoregation - the negative effect of solar radiation. It is not easy to solve this problem, as this is a fairly resistant defect. Therefore, it is best to start with a visit to a beautician who will pick up the arsenal of laser, hardware and injection procedures. The specialist will advise suitable cosmetics: it can be masks, lotions, creams, which contains waterbutin, retinol, glabidin, ascorbic or sifting acid. And at home, you can only use the safest whitening masks.

Fruit Acid Masks

Take berries (except dark, otherwise the skin is painted) or fruits: strawberries, raspberry, red currants, tomatoes, apples. Sattail them or grind the blender. Add a few drops of cream or vegetable oil. Apply to the skin for 5-10 minutes.

Mask with lactic acid

Sky milk, kefir, sour cream. You can apply them in the form of a mask for 10 minutes or simply wipe the skin with a tampon, moistened in our prostrip.

Wine Acid Masks

For these purposes, you can use cake from boring berries grapes or juice, as well as young wine. Moisten a piece of natural fabric (pre-cut the holes for the eyes and mouth) and hold this mask for a few minutes. Flush with warm water without soap. It is recommended to make such masks twice a week.

Anna Smolyanov

Anna Smolyanov

Anna Smolyanova, cosmetologist, dermatologist

- Pigment stains are not only a cosmetic defect. Under the mask of pigmentation can hide melanoma. Therefore, before deleting and bleaching, it is necessary to dig a pigment spot. It is impossible to do it yourself - we need high-tech devices - Wood lamp, dermatoscopes with the polarization of light, dermatosiascop and, of course, the knowledge and experience of the doctor. Therefore, at home, it is strictly forbidden to make aggressive peelings and use folk recipes, which include strong acids, abrasives. In addition, the risk of burns, injuries. As a result, it is possible to obtain the opposite effect - pigmentation will become much stronger, scars and cooperosis may appear. If you have pronounced pigmentation, refer to a specialist who can offer comprehensive treatment: laser therapy, fractional grinding, photoreject, chemical peels, mesotherapy, PRP therapy, as well as methods that do not cause skin damage - electroporation, laser biorevitalization and photodynamic therapy. Domestic masks proposed by the editors are able to refresh the complexion, they will help you to leave the skinned skin scales and make it softer. But they will not solve the problem of pigmentation. Remember that the skin after any peels and scrubs becomes more susceptible to the Sun, so you need to use sunscreen even in cloudy weather.

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