What were the stars of the series "Univer" 10 years ago


Anna Khilkevich

Today Anna Khilkevich (in the photo in the center), she "universal" Masha Belova is not only a successful actress, but also a loving wife and mother of the family that recently gave birth to a second child. And it was about such fate she dreamed of ten years ago. "I was full of life, creative ambitions," recalls the actress. - Just started to act in the movies and then dreamed of starting a strong family! "

Stanislav Yarushin

Stanislav Yarushin

Stanislav Yarushin

Stanislav Yarushin, who played Anton Martynov, ten years ago only finished his active activity in KVN. "Friends who produced and wrote" universal ", it was Cavanechiki from my city," recall an actor. - Somehow called and say that there is a job, the image that I will suit how they think. Twenty-episodes. And these twenty episodes lasts for ten years. I have some long-term projects in my life: KVN, "University". Now the music is moving in parallel. A proposal from the CSKA basketball club is to become leading and invent show programs. I agreed, because myself is a big sports amateur. "

Julia Franz.

Julia Franz.

Julia Franz.

The actress is known for the series as Vika Beaver. Ten years ago, she did not think about the acting career: she lived in Lipetsk, she studied on an economist. And suddenly decided to radically change his fate. "I rushed to Moscow and stayed here forever. During this time I met a lot of wonderful people and entered the theater institute, having received invaluable experience. But ten years ago I could not know about it, "says Julia.

Ekaterina Shumakova

Ekaterina Shumakova

Ekaterina Shumakova

Ten years ago, the performer of the role of twins Nickie Beaver only graduated from school. She was just dreaming about the acting career, but at the entrance exams in the theater failed. But nevertheless, faith did not lose. "I knew that I would definitely become an actress and will be filmed into a movie," said Catherine. - And I also dreamed of shooting your own films. He adored to take pictures and photographed. I was confident about all 150 percent! "

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