Maria Kravtsova: "Pregnant women are not capricious madness at all"


- Maria, you, despite rumors, are just waiting for your son?

- We really wait for the Son. We are our whole rather big cohesive family.

- You for a long time hid your interesting position. Why?

- By and large, we did not hide anything - just family and workers were developed in such a way that I spent most of the pregnancy in Israel and the United States. And not at all in order to hide something, and not at all because it is cleaner, referring or safer. The selected "geography" allowed us with her husband almost all the time to be together and equip the ocean from the sea a pleasant "point of gravity" for relatives and friends.

- Will you give birth in Moscow or abroad?

"Judging by the stories of my girlfriends, the birth in Moscow and its surroundings can now be quite" five-star ". In general, we generally adopted the maximum amount of funds to invest in the birth of the baby, even if the family budget from these investments are cracking on the seams. Although, on the other hand, I know examples of ideal childbirth in modern Moscow hospital hospitals. Honestly, I do not know how I have arrived, I will be in Moscow. And here (on the east coast of the United States), I do not particularly choose from anything. It will be a clinic with a good reputation, but with unfamiliar doctors. I hope that nature will allow doctors during my childbirth less work and relax more. (Smiles.)

- You said that your spouse will necessarily be present during childbirth. Have you persuaded him for a long time?

- I did not persuade at all. Our common opinion is that both parents have the right to be with their child from the very first seconds of his life: no one asks mom, whether it will be present. (Laughs.) Well, of course, we both realize that the scenario of childbirth is unpredictable, and if something does not standard, I just need a person who I trust more than myself.

"When I found out about pregnancy, somehow I didn't even promote truly. We are now talking, planned and really waited for these "two strips." Maria Kravtsova. Photo:

"When I found out about pregnancy, somehow I didn't even promote truly. We are now talking, planned and really waited for these "two strips." Maria Kravtsova. Photo:

- The first three months with the baby is the most difficult. How are you going to cope: nanny, grandmothers? ..

- As far as I heard, the first three months is far from the most difficult period. Especially if you try to learn a new person before re-educate it under your views. At this period, we do not plan to nanny, but both "without five minutes" grandmother spend a lot of time with me and share my views. So loves of caring hands in the newborn will be enough!

- What type of breast feeding do you prefer?

- Yes, I am configured for natural feeding and really want everything to work out. Once at the request of the acquaintances, I bought a jar of a mixture in the store and read the composition ... In general, I am absolutely sure that nothing is better than maternal milk for food in this world it is impossible to create! Well, of course, do not forget about the psychological aspects and the benefits of lactation for Mamian health.

- Many young moms immediately after childbirth, try to come as soon as possible, sit on diet. Have you recovered on a lot of kilograms?

- It is not customary to scold pregnant women for each extra kilogram, and my reflection in the mirror suits me yet. But it must be said that I am leading a rather active lifestyle: a lot of swimming, "Yozhu" (I am engaged in yoga), and sometimes it pulls me into the gym. As for the nutrition, the beginning of pregnancy coincided with the start of my project for the delivery of healthy nutrition, and right up to departure from Moscow, I fed exclusively such food ... This allowed not only not to think about whether my food was useful enough, but also got rid of me from contact with The smells of the kitchen, which during toxicosis became completely unbearable.

- Probably, the husband does not redeem on you?

- It seems to me that it was to pregnancy. (Laughs.) And I do not redeem on it. Otherwise, there would be nothing. Moreover, this is a wonderful continuation.

- Soon you will have an anniversary of the wedding. When you worried more than more: at registration, when you did an offer or when did you find out that you were pregnant?

- at registration did not worry at all. Registered spontaneously, impromptu and almost in jeans. He was very worried before the wedding, which we organized in Italy. I wanted to arrange a real memorable holiday for all friends and loved ones, and it was very scary to allow any annoying oversight or leave someone without attention. When I learned about pregnancy, I somehow didn't even promote truly. We, as they say now, planned and were very waiting for these "two strips", but to fully realize that an real miracle of the origin and development of a new life takes place inside you, it turns out for nine months. (Smiles.)

Maria has long been designing clothes and won the fame and respect for colleagues in the world. Now she thought about creating a collection for kids. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Maria has long been designing clothes and won the fame and respect for colleagues in the world. Now she thought about creating a collection for kids. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

- The first year in the family - the time of arrogant. How did he go?

- In fact, we have passed for two years already, and all the "wipes" were related to the fact that my work requires a certain openness, publicity, and by nature I extravert. And Sergey - on the contrary, avoids close attention. Therefore, we needed a lot of time to achieve a compromise. It is good that otherwise our views, habits and habits are fully compatible.

- During pregnancy, girls do not sugar. Do you often capricious?

- I wish to prove with my example that pregnant women are not capricious madness at all, so if at 5 in the morning I suddenly wanted sesame with patchouli, then I was satisfied with this passion myself and secretly. (Laughs.)

- That is, the patience of the husband is not experiencing once?

- We will assume that there is no, since it is still with me ... But for some mood jumps, I still shame!

- With the name of the son immediately determined or were there were hot spores?

- We early began to juggle the names and came to consensus before the sex was recognized. So in stock we also have a female name. (Laughs.)

- You can also be a designer among other things. Didn't you think to create a collection for pregnant women or newborns?

"It seems to me that in each collection of my brand a good half of dresses, costumes and coats, pregnant women can wear up to the birth. In any case, I did it exactly! As for children's clothing (albeit not for newborns - they have very modest requests), then on paper the collection has long existed - it's about the embodiment!

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