How do the stars relax?


Emma Roberts went to Hawaii's heavenly pleasure. And, judging by the photos, the niece of "Beauty" Julia knows a lot about rest. "I wish you all here," the actress signed a picture.

Emma Roberts went to Hawaii. Photo:

Emma Roberts went to Hawaii. Photo:

Kate Hudson decided to spend a vacation in Ibiza. The Actress's resort went with the whole family: Matthe Bell's bridegroom, their two-year-old son Bingham and Rider - the 10-year-old Son Kate from the former husband. And for the completeness of the fans of the movie star rented a yacht on which they enjoy the Spanish beauties.

Kate Hudson spends Ibiza vacation. Photo:

Kate Hudson spends Ibiza vacation. Photo:

The star of films "Mom" and the "number one goal" Jessica Chestyne during the holidays enjoyed art and history. All this actress found in Italy. In Milan, Jessica wandered around the museum, posting a snapshot from Pinakoteki Brera. And in Rome came to the complete delight of the Colosseum.

Jessica Chestain is resting in Italy. Photo:

Jessica Chestain is resting in Italy. Photo:

Jessica Alba decided to spend his vacation in Istanbul. At the published actress, pictures show that she visited all the sights, visited the bazaar, tried street food, swept on the boat, loved by the Bosphorus strait, enjoyed in Turkish coffee ... In general, he took from this trip to the maximum.

Jessica Alba spends vacation in Istanbul. Photo:

Jessica Alba spends vacation in Istanbul. Photo:

On his page in Facebook Jade Pinkett Smith transfers everyone from the Hawaiian Islands. "Aloha to all of one of my favorite places!" - signed a snapshot of the actress. But after returning home, Jada and her family do not miss. "We will eat crabs and watch the World Cup", "admitted Mrs. Smith.

Jade Pinkett Smith transmits everyone from the Hawaiian Islands. Photo:

Jade Pinkett Smith transmits everyone from the Hawaiian Islands. Photo:

The star of the TV series "Theory of the Big Explosion" Keeie Coco along with her husband, tennis player Ryan Svitin, went to soak under the Mexican Sun in Cabo San Lucas. And proudly demonstrated their tightened bodies in the pictures in Instagram.

Kayley Coco along with her husband, tennis player Ryan Svinting, sunbathe in Mexico. Photo:

Kayley Coco along with her husband, tennis player Ryan Svinting, sunbathe in Mexico. Photo:

"Dear Maui, thank you for a piece of paradise!" - Signed photos of Lupita Nyonggo - Oskarone star of the film "12 years of slavery." At Hawaii, the actress went at the invitation of the organizers of the local film festival. But I liked it there so much that she stayed there on vacation.

Lupita Nyonggo holds vacation in Hawaii. Photo:

Lupita Nyonggo holds vacation in Hawaii. Photo:

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